Upcoming Workshop – Feb 2013, Athens GA
The Georgia Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units invites the Southeastern LCCs to a workshop that will focus on communicating and using uncertain scientific information in conservation decision making as related to anticipated climate change. The workshop will provide a forum to promote interdisciplinary interactions (e.g., for climate & social scientists, quantitative modelers, and conservation policy makers) and focused discussion of issues related to communication of scientific uncertainty and its effects on decision-making processes. We anticipate this workshop will emphasize using science-based decision support, adaptive management, and adaptation strategies related to climate change & conservation in the southeastern United States.
What: 1.5 day workshop on communicating scientific uncertainty & climate change
Where: University of Georgia Hotel and Conference Center, Athens, GA
When: 27-28 February 2013
[button color=”#f2f2f2″ background=”#3a3a3a” size=”medium” src=”https://secasc.ncsu.edu//wp-content/uploads/sites/178/ClimateCommunication_UncertaintyDecisionMaking_Seminars_Feb13.pdf”]Speaker announcement (PDF)[/button] [button color=”#f2f2f2″ background=”#3a3a3a” size=”medium” src=”https://secasc.ncsu.edu//wp-content/uploads/sites/178/SECSC_Communicating_Uncertainty_Wrkshp_Announcement.pdf”]View workshop announcement (PDF)[/button] [button color=”#f2f2f2″ background=”#3a3a3a” size=”medium” src=”https://secasc.ncsu.edu//wp-content/uploads/sites/178/Uncertainty_Workshop_Registration_Form.pdf”]Download registration form (PDF)[/button]
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