SE Climate Science Center Issues Call for FY2015 Proposals
The USGS National Climate Change and Wildlife Science Center (NCCWSC) and seven of the eight (Alaska, North Central, Northeast, Pacific Islands, South Central, Southeast and Southwest) Department of the Interior Climate Science Centers CSCs) are seeking Statements of Interest (SOIs) and proposals for funding in Fiscal Year (FY) 2015.
Research projects that support NCCWSC/CSC priority science needs are important for providing natural and cultural resource managers with the science, tools, and information they need to develop and execute management strategies that address the impacts of climate change on a broad range of natural and cultural resources.
Only the following may submit proposals in response to this Funding Opportunity:
•Institutions that are either Host Institutions or Consortium Members for the requesting DOI Climate Science Center (exceptions are made for (1) projects spanning multiple CSC regions and (2) NCCWSC-sponsored projects) and,
•USGS centers, field stations, laboratories, Cooperative Research Units, etc.
•Each proposal must have a Principal Investigator (PI) from an eligible institution.
*Parties from other organizations (Federal, State, Tribal, or other) can participate and receive funds via sub-award from the Principal Investigator but the proposal submitter and PI must be from an eligible applicant, as described above. Non-eligible applicants are encouraged to establish working partnerships with one of the recognized eligible applicants to seek participation as part of a project lead by a CSC/university consortium member or USGS facility.
Click here for submission guidelines.