SE CSC Co-hosts French-American Talk on Climate Change and Agricultural Resiliency
At the invitation of the French Embassy in the U.S., the SE Climate Science Center participated in a French Ameri-Can Climate Talk, Climate-Smart Agriculture: Innovation and Resiliency, on August 27, 2015. The talk was part of a series of discussions in the United States and Canada to build public discourse ahead of December’s United Nations climate change conference in Paris (COP21). Ryan Boyles, SE CSC University Director, Virginia Burkett, Chief Scientist for Global Change, U.S. Geological Survey, and Gerard McMahon, Federal Director, participated in the panel discussion. Earlier in the day, several members of the panel were interviewed by Frank Stasio on WUNC’s The State of Things.
View the discussion on the French Embassy website
Listen to WUNC’s State of Things segment