Global Change Fellows Represent at North Carolina’s Coastal Conference
2016-17 Global Change Fellow Shilo Felton and Global Change Fellow 2014-15 alumnus Liliana Velasquez Montoya won 3rd and 2nd place awards, respectively, at the student research poster competition at the North Carolina’s Coastal Conference. The conference, hosted by North Carolina Sea Grant, was held on April 4 and 5 at the McKimmon Center and NC Museum of Natural Sciences in Raleigh. Posters were judged based on content and design of posters, how well students explained their work to other conference participants, and the significance of their research. Monetary prizes accompanied the poster competition awards.
Read the news post by North Carolina Sea Grant. Read the poster abstracts.
Visit Global Change Fellows profiles for Shilo Felton and Liliana Velasquez Montoya.