December 5, 3:30 pm Seminar – Global Change and Adaptation in Agriculture
Please join the Southeast Climate Adaptation Science Center Global Change Fellows for the final Global Change Seminar of the semester.
Global Change and Adaptation in Agriculture
Dr. Robert Mera, Department of Marine, Earth, and Atmospheric Sciences
Dr. Eric Edwards, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics
Dr. Kent Burkey, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences
Join us for three talks on aspects of global change and the future of agriculture. Our planet is undergoing changes in climate, atmospheric composition, water availability, and soil fertility. Come learn about how these changes are likely to affect our agricultural systems and the potential for adaptation to global change.
Place & time: Thursday, 5 December, 3:30-4:30 pm ET, in David Clark Labs, Room 101, on NC State campus.
Refreshments served ~3:15 pm. To reduce waste, please bring your own mug!
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