SE CASC Staff & Researchers Presenting at 75th Annual SEAFWA Conference
Every year the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies hosts a conference dedicated to providing a forum to present information and exchange ideas around the management and protection of fish and wildlife resources, specifically in the southeastern U.S. This year is the 75th anniversary of this conference and The Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources, the organization hosting the event, has chosen the topic “The Outdoors are Better Together.” The conference is being held from October 17-20 with in-person participants in Roanoke, VA as well as remote participation. In-person and virtual registration is still available here and you can learn more about the SEAFWA 75th Annual Conference here.
The Southeast CASC is a strong supporter of SEAFWA’s goals and activities, reflected by the number of sessions and presentations organized by SE CASC staff and affiliates at this year’s meeting. Learn more about these relevant sessions below.
SECAS and 30 by 30: Identifying Opportunities and Defining Outcomes in the Southeast
October 18 | 1:20 pm – 5:00 pm ET
Symposium Purpose: Convene a dialogue around the opportunities and outcomes of the America the Beautiful campaign and the 30X30 national goal in the Southeast
Symposium Goal: Elicit broad and varied perspectives, seek common understanding, define processes, identify roles, responsibilities, and next steps for the Southeast
Symposium Outcomes:
• Increased understanding of how diverse perspectives see the challenges and opportunities related to America the Beautiful.
• Strengthened relationships between people, organizations, and entities who play a role in implementing America the Beautiful.
• Knowledge-sharing of existing tools and efforts that could help to advance efforts toward the goals of America the Beautiful.
• Identifying potential actions to increase collaboration on the goals of America the Beautiful across the Southeast.
View symposium flyer.
Measuring Tax Tradeoffs Associated with Wildlife Management Areas
October 18 | 4:20 pm – 4:40 pm ET
Speaker: William Casola (Graduate Student, North Carolina State University, co-author Nils Peterson, North Carolina State University and SE CASC Principal Investigator)
Developing and Implementing R3 Programs for College Students: Lessons Learned from a Nationwide Project Designed to Diversify Hunting
October 19 | 9:40 am – 10:00 am ET
Speaker: Richard von Furstenberg (Graduate Student, North Carolina State University, co-authors Lincoln Larson and Nils Peterson, North Carolina State University)
Climate Impacts to Wildlife Populations and Habitats
October 19 | 1:20 pm – 4:40 pm ET
Relevant Subsessions:
A Research Agenda for the Southeast Climate Adaptation Science Center
October 19 | 1:20 pm – 1:40 pm ET
Speaker: Katherine Smith (Director, USGS Northeast & Southeast Climate Adaptation Science Centers)
Changing Potential Fire Probabilities in a Warming Climate: Implications for Habitats and Prescribed Fire Management in the Southeast US
October 19 | 2:40 pm – 3:00 pm ET
Speaker: Adam Terando (Research Ecologist, USGS Southeast Climate Adaptation Science Center)
Enhancing the Resilience of Island Amphibians Under Global Change: A Case Study of Puerto Rico’s Endangered Plains Coqui (Eleutherodactylus juanariveroi)
October 19 | 3:40 pm – 4:00 pm ET
Speaker: Mitchell Eaton (Research Ecologist, USGS Southeast Climate Adaptation Science Center)
Climate-driven Changes to Habitat Suitability in Central and Southern Appalachian Forests – A Niche Model Approach
October 19 | 4:20 pm – 4:40 pm ET
Speaker: Paul Armsworth (Professor, University of Tennessee and SE CASC Consortium PI)
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