Jul 17, 2018
Several current and alumni SE CASC Global Change Fellows have recently published articles in peer-reviewed journals. Balik, JA, BW Taylor, SE Washko, SA Wissinger. High interspecific variation in nutrient excretion within a…
Jun 14, 2018
More than 50 scientists and natural and cultural resource managers gathered in San Juan, Puerto Rico on May 30-31 to collaborate at a workshop organized by the USGS National Climate…
Apr 23, 2018
This post was written by Sarah Parsons, Spring 2018 Global Change Fellow. On a beautiful spring day, amidst the blooming redbuds and leafing Bradford Pear trees, the Southeast…
Apr 9, 2018
Dominique David-Chavez is an Indigenous Caribbean scholar, PhD Candidate at Colorado State University, and National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow. Norma Ortiz is an Indigenous grandmother, retired school counselor, and…
Apr 3, 2018
2015-16 Global Change Fellow Georgina Sanchez, along with co-authors including USGS Research Ecologist Adam Terando and Faculty Affiliate Ross Meentemeyer, recently published results of research in the journal Water Resources…
Mar 29, 2018
Matthew Jurjonas, PhD Candidate, Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management, College of Natural Resources, NC State, wrote this account of a recent trip to Washington, DC. His advisor is SE…
Mar 14, 2018
A recent article describes findings from research on SE CSC projects by NC State PI Steve Frank, Integrating the Effects of Global and Local Climate Change on Wildlife in North America, Tree…
Mar 1, 2018
Former Global Change Fellow Marketa Zimova is co-author on a new paper published in Science, Winter color polymorphisms identify global hot spots for evolutionary rescue from climate change, which presents results of…
Feb 26, 2018
This is a summary of research by Global Change Fellows Steven Grodsky (2012-14) and Sarah Fritts (2011-13), along with Faculty Affiliate Chris Moorman, NC State Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources,…
Feb 23, 2018
This post was written by Steve Frank, Southeast CSC Principal Investigator and Faculty Affiliate, summarizing work on SE CSC project, Consequences of Urbanization and Climate Change on Human and Ecosystem Health. It…