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Webinar: Climate Adaptation for DoD Resource Managers
October 8, 2019 @ 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Title: Climate Adaptation for DoD Resource Managers
Date: Tuesday, October 8, 2019 (1:00 PM – 2:00 PM ET)
Presented By: Dr. Bruce Stein, Chief Scientist and Associate Vice President, National Wildlife Federation
In June 2019, the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Sustainment signed a memo releasing the new guide on Climate Adaptation for DoD Natural Resource Managers. The National Wildlife Federation and Naval Information Warfare Systems Command worked together to develop this guide that is based on the widely used “climate smart conservation” framework. The guide provides an overview of how a changing climate may affect military lands and other resources and offers a step-by-step process to incorporate adaptation strategies into Integrated Natural Resources Management Plans (INRMPs). DoD Instruction 4715.03 requires DoD natural resources managers to incorporate climate adaptation strategies into installation INRMPs, but there are few tools outside of this newly released guide that are available to help them do this. This webinar will introduce overarching principles for climate adaptation, describe key climate impacts to DoD natural resources programs and INRMP elements, and provide an overview of the six-step INRMP adaptation planning cycle. To view the guide, memo, and other materials, visit https://www.denix.osd.mil/nr/dodadaptationguide/.
To join the webinar, go to: https://dodnatres.adobeconnect.com/webinarseries/ Conference Number: 1-877-885-1087 Participant Code: 713-286-7186
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Adobe Connect has a maximum attendance capacity of 100 users. We advise users in the same office building to attend as a group to ensure as many users can join this webinar as possible. If you are unable to join the webinar, we will post a recording on the NR Program web portal at: http://www.dodnaturalresources.net/Webinar-Series.html