Geneva Gray
Global Change Fellow Alumna | Department of Marine, Earth, and Atmospheric Sciences | North Carolina State University
2015 – 2016 Global Change Fellow
Where are they now?
Geneva is now an ORISE Student Fellow at the Environmental Protection Agency.
Statement of Purpose:
I am a master’s student in the Marine, Earth, and Atmospheric Sciences department at North Carolina State University. I work as a graduate assistant at the State Climate Office of North Carolina under Dr. Ryan Boyles. My professional passions include applied climate, local effects of global climate change, and science outreach and communication.
Description of Research:
My research is on analyzing and creating an ensemble of downscaled General Circulation Models (GCMs) for use in modeling ecosystems within eastern North Carolina. Downscaling is a process that translates information from large scale models to a regional scale. There are many different downscaled data sets available, but not much guidance on which downscaled data sets to use or how many combinations of data sets should be used. An ensemble, a sample of multiple models to characterize possible future climates, of GCMs are used to quantify many forms of uncertainty and gives more confidence in the projected change. My work will be on creating an ensemble of downscaled GCMs that best represent past observed climates for use in future climate applications. My research falls under the Southeast Climate Science Center’s Science Theme 1: Climate and Other Appropriate Projections to Use for Resource Management.
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