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Georgina Sanchez

Global Change Fellow Alumna | Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources | North Carolina State University

2015 – 2016 Global Change Fellow

Where are they now?

Georgina is a Research Associate in the Center for Geospatial Analytics at North Carolina State University.

Statement of Purpose:

I am a Ph.D. student in the Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources (FER) here at NC State. I am working with Dr. Ross Meentemeyer and Dr. Jordan Smith through the Center for Geospatial Analytics. My goal as a Ph.D. student is to better understand coupled natural and human systems and provide decision-support tools that can effectively be used by resource managers and landowners who deal with socio-ecological grand challenges such as climate change and urbanization on a daily basis. Specifically, I am interested in investigating the impacts that land use and climate change could have on natural and human systems in coastal regions.

Description of Research:

My research involves coupling models of human decision making with spatially and temporally dynamic land use change models at the North Carolina coast. By applying these techniques I aim to evaluate the impact that various climate and land use change scenarios have on the continued production of ecosystem services. Ultimately, these models will be integrated into decision-support tools designed to better inform stakeholders in their efforts to create adaptation strategies and strategic actions plans. My research will contribute to SECSC’s Science Theme 2: Land Use and Land-Cover Change Projections, Task 1: Conduct regionally focused research on land-use and land-cover and Task 2: Research Droughts, Floods, and Water Availability under Changing Land-Use and Climate change rates, causes, and consequences.

View the news story on the NCASC website about a research paper authored by Georgina.


  • Matallana-Ramirez L.P., Whetten, R.W., Sanchez, G.M., Payn, K.G. (2021). Breeding for climate change resilience: a case study of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) in North America. Frontiers in Plant Science,
  • Sanchez, G. M., Eaton, M. J., Garcia, A. M., Keisman, J., Ullman, K., Blackwell, J., & Meentemeyer, R. K. (2022). Integrating principles and tools of decision science into value‐driven watershed planning for compensatory mitigation. Ecological Applications, e2766,
  • Smart, L.S., Vukomanovic, J., Sills, E.O., & Sanchez, G.M. (2020). Cultural ecosystem services caught in a ‘coastal squeeze’ between sea level rise and urban expansion. Global Environmental Change, 66, 102209, 

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