April Newsletter for the SE Climate Science Center
News and upcoming events related to the Southeast Climate Science Center
—— SE CSC NEWS: ——————-
• If you’ve missed our past newsletters, you can now find them (archived) here: https://secasc.ncsu.edu/newsletter-archive/
• Federal SE CSC Director and staff host climate change meeting for NWR managers. Read more.
• New SE CSC affiliated publications:
Zimova M, Mills, LS, Lukacs, PM, Mitchell, MS. 2014. Snowshoe hares display limited phenotypic plasticity to mismatch in seasonal camouflage. Proc. R. Soc. B 281: 20140029. http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2014.0029
Eaton, M. J., Hughes, P. T., Hines, J. E. and Nichols, J. D. (2014), Testing metapopulation concepts: effects of patch characteristics and neighborhood occupancy on the dynamics of an endangered lagomorph. Oikos. doi: 10.1111/oik.01008
Adam G. Dale and Steven D. Frank, 2014. Urban Warming Trumps Natural Enemy Regulation of Herbivorous Pests. Ecological Applications, Ecological Society of America. In pre-print. http://www.esajournals.org/doi/abs/10.1890/13-1961.1
Diamond, Cayton, Wepprich, Dunn and Haddad, 2014, Ecology, Unexpected Phenological Responses of Butterflies to the Interaction of Urbanization and Geographic Temperature. http://www.esajournals.org/doi/abs/10.1890/13-1848.1
• Take another look at What’s New with the USDA (SERCH) Climate Hub including a series of partnership discussions starting this month. Read more.
• Become a Climate Speaker for Climate Voices, a website just launched by UCAR and the UN. The Climate Voices network brings non-political conversations about the research findings of the majority of climate scientists to citizens across the United States and Puerto Rico. http://climatevoices.org/
—— WEBINARS: ——————-
April 17 – Webinar: Can forests take the heat? Managing pests and ecosystem services in a warming climate
This months Third Thursday Web Forum will be: Can forests take the heat? Managing pests and ecosystem services in a warming climate.
Presenter: Steve Frank, Ph.D., NC State University, Department…
April 23 – Webinar: Extreme Climate Events and Species Population Dynamics: Overriding Influence or Not Such a Big Deal?
Presenter: Keith Nislow, UMass Amherst Title: Extreme Climate Events and Species Population Dynamics: Overriding Influence or Not Such a Big Deal? Date/Time: Wednesday, April 23, 3:30 pm EST This…
Thursday, April 24, 1:00 pm ET
Tribal Renewable Energy webinar series presents,“
To join or register, visit: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/630451488
Thursday, April 24, 2:00 pm ET
OneNOAA Science Seminars, “Human-Induced Climate Change and Projections for the Future”, Dennis L. Hartmann.
To join or register, visit: https://nwfsc200.webex.com/nwfsc200/j.php?ED=25224058&UID=61391358&RT=MiM0 (password: 282 627 017)
Years of Living Dangerously: Documentary series seeks to bring warming into America’s living rooms
(starts Thursday, April 13, 2014). http://www.sho.com/sho/years-of-living-dangerously/home
April 28-29, 2014 – Conference: Carolinas Climate Resilience Conference
Carolinas Climate Resilience Conference is hosted by the Carolinas Integrated Sciences & Assessments (CISA) with support of a strong steering committee of regional partners. Read more.
The Pathways 2014 Conference: Integrating Human Dimensions into Fish and Wildlife Management
October 5 – 9, 2014, Estes Park Center, Colorado, USA. This conference and training intends to set the precedent for future research, innovation, and collaboration and to further the application of human dimensions research in the field of fish and wildlife management. Now accepting abstracts.
Structured Decision Making Workshop (LCC Session)
August 18-22, 2014, Mississippi State University, MS. The goal of this workshop is to apply SDM to real-world conservation issues brought forth by on-the-ground decision makers facing problems that typically have multiple competing objectives and multiple alternatives for meeting those objectives. Read more…
USDA Forest Service Launches Interactive Online Learning Module, Climate Science and Modeling.
These modules are just a few minutes long and can be watched at your own pace. Climate Science Module.
—— RESOURCES: ——————-
IPCC Working Group II Releases Report: Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability. This report focuses on what many of us think about in our work: what effects will climate change have on species and resources, and what can we do about it.
Resource Guide to Federal Climate Adaptation Programs for State Fish & Wildlife Agencies. Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies 444 North Capitol Street, NW Suite 725 Washington, DC 20001 www.fishwildlife.org
Our Year of Extremes Series: NBC News’ Ann Curry looks into whether a link exists between recent extreme weather events and climate change. In the special documentary, Curry travels to the Arctic, to drought stricken regions in the American West, to the edge of rising seas in Florida, and into extreme weather events all over the globe, meeting with both scientists and eyewitnesses. Read more.
Hear from the Scientists about ‘What We Know’ about Climate Change: The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) “What We Know” initiative is about sharing what climate experts have concluded from the evidence about climate change. Read more.
White House launches Climate Data website. Here you can find data related to climate change that can help inform and prepare America’s communities, businesses, and citizens. Initially, in this pilot phase, you can find data and resources related to coastal flooding, sea level rise, and their impacts. Over time, you will be able to find additional data and tools relevant to other important climate-related impacts, including risks to human health, the food supply, and energy infrastructure. http://www.data.gov/climate/
This online information hub for news, debate, research, and tools on forests and climate change is intended for policy makers, researchers, governments, NGOs, and others to share their knowledge and experiences. Given that climate change is complex and controversial, the aim is to create a website that provides people not only with the most up-to-date forests and climate change research, but an understanding of why this information is important, how it can be applied and how it relates to the broader political and research contexts. They welcome all organizations and individuals working in forests and climate change to send story submissions and to point out new tools and research. Read more…
CAKE Highlight: A Typology of Adaptation Actions: A Global Look at Climate Adaptation Actions Financed Through the Global Environment Facility
The information obtained sheds new insight into what adaptation is, in practice, and suggests some next steps to strengthen the empirical database. Read more…
Sightline Flashcards: Sightline Flashcards are quick reference tools for effective communications strategies. They’re messaging memos distilled from experts and savvy communicators—to help you do your job and save you time. The Flashcards focus on values-based communication: strategies for talking about important policies or issue solutions in terms of shared values. Browse the Flashcards to gain insight into particular sustainability issues or simply to hone your values-based communications strategies. Read more.
Video: Listening for the Rain
Listening for the Rain starts a pluricultural conversation in which some Indigenous people who live in the central US discuss their observations and understandings of, as well as responses to, climate change and variability. Read more…
—— LCC NEWS: ——————-
Appalachian LCC:
– Now Playing: Appalachian LCC-Funded Research on video!
– Informing Resource Decisions in a Changing Climate
Caribbean LCC:
Puerto Rico’s Congressman speaks about the CLCC during a U.S. House Natural Resources Committee Oversight Hearing. Read more.
The GCPO LCC is pleased to present two new staff members: Kristine Evans (left), will be assuming the position of Geomatics Coordinator, and Amanda Watson is our new Gulf Coast LCC Liaison! They will both be starting in April. Read more about Kristine and Amanda as they introduce themselves on our website.
The Central Hardwoods Ecosystem Vulnerability Assessment & Synthesis has been released! Three forest impact models, hundreds of scientific papers, and forest managers’ expertise were combined to assess the effects of climate change on regional forest ecosystems. Based on this information, there is a large amount of evidence to suggest that significant impacts will occur in the Central Hardwoods region. Read more, download the full report or skim a 4-page fact sheet.
Do you manage or make decisions about floodplains? You may be interested in our latest webinar about the inundation frequency data layer that Yvonne Allen, GCPO LCC Aquatic Habitat Analyst, has produced for the entire GCPO region. Read a summary of Yvonne’s webinar or view the webinar now.
South Atlantic LCC:
South Atlantic LCC Steering Committee Meeting Highlights. The South Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative Steering Committee met at the Charlie Elliott Wildlife Center in Mansfield, Georgia on March 25-27, 2014 for its annual face-to face meeting. Read more.
Working with the Conservation Planning Atlas and Conservation Blueprint – Minding Where We Meddle. Read more.
—— OTHER NEWS: ——————-
NOAA Global Analysis for 2013
NOAA’s analysis for 2013 Global Significant Weather and Climate Events. Read more…
WMO: “No standstill in global warming”
The past year was the sixth warmest year since temperature records began in 1850. Global average surface temperature in 2013 was 14.5–0.50 °C above the 1961–1990 average and 0.03 °C above the 2001–2010 average, the Geneva-based World Meteorological Organization (WMO) reports in its latest statement of the status of the global climate. Read more…
President’s 2015 Budget Proposes $1.1 Billion for the USGS
Targeted investments advance research on climate change and earth sciences to support community safety, health, and economic growth. Read more…
Federal Highway Administration Announces Climate Adaptation Case Studies
The Federal Highway Administration is partnering with State Departments of Transportation, Metropolitan Planning Organizations, and Federal Land Management Agencies to pilot approaches to conduct climate change and extreme weather vulnerability assessments of transportation infrastructure and to analyze options for adapting and improving resiliency. Read more…
Call for Proposals – Structured Decision Making Workshop (LCC Session) – August 18-22, 2014. Proposals are due to Christy Coghlan (christy_coghlan@fws.gov) via email by April 15, 2014. http://gcpolcc.org/profiles/blogs/call-for-proposals-structured-decision-making-workshop-lcc-sessio
Job opening: East Gulf Coastal Plain Joint Venture Science Coordinator. Application deadline is April 30, 2014. Read more.
Apply Now for ‘Open Science for Synthesis’ Training
Call for Papers: International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services & Management looks forward to receiving your paper for a forthcoming special issue entitled ESS Policies Landscape dynamics.
Bureau of Indian Affairs Announces FY 2014 Funding Opportunity to Support Tribes Addressing Challenges of Climate Change
The BIA has announced a request for proposals to support Tribes in adapting to the challenges of climate change in tribal communities, especially with respect to ocean and coastal management planning. (Deadline: April 30, 2014). Read more…
2 Open Positions with the Science Policy Exchange
The Science Policy Exchange seeks to fill two open positions (one full-time Coordinator, one part-time Administrative Assistant) based at the Harvard Forest to coordinate regional Exchange activities. Read more…
Job opening: A research position for someone with strong quantitative research skills is open in our unit of the USDA Forest Service’s Northern Research Station. The disciplinary background can be any of the suite of social sciences, including psychology, economics, sociology, and more. Experience with environmental or natural resource research is required. The person hired will be located either in Evanston (Chicago), IL or St. Paul MN. The position will be advertised at levels suitable for a recent PhD to a mid-career academic. This is an early alert. The position will be posted in the coming weeks at USAJOBS.GOV. See details below. Everyone is encouraged to apply – USDA is an equal opportunity employer.