SE CSC Researcher, Adam Terando, Briefs DOI Sec. Jewell, on Climate Change
Adam Terando, Research Ecologist with the SE Climate Science Center had the opportunity to brief The Department of the Interior Secretary, Sally Jewell, at historic Jamestown, Virginia on June 6, 2014. Sec. Jewell held a roundtable to discuss how climate change is affecting the region including impacts to cultural resources from rising sea levels. The roundtable of state and federal employees, including Dr. Terando, emphasized the need for both data and education on climate change. The event comes on the heels of President Obama’s Clean Power Plan, released last week, and a recently released report by the Union of Concerned Scientists on impacts to national landmarks from sea-level rise.
Read more from the DOI’s media adviaory and coverage from Virginia’s Daily Press. Also, see DOI’s video for week of June 2, 2014.