July/August 2014 Newsletter
News and upcoming events related to the Southeast Climate Science Center
—— SE CSC NEWS: ——————————————————
New Publication: Aboveground Allometric Models for Freeze-Affected Black Mangroves (Avicennia germinans): Equations for a Climate Sensitive Mangrove-Marsh Ecotone, Michael Osland, PLOS ONE. http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0099604
New Publication: The Effects of Urban Warming on Herbivore Abundance and Street Tree Condition, Steve Frank and Adam Dale, PLOS ONE. http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0102996
New Publication: The Southern Megalopolis: Using the past to predict the future of urban sprawl in the Southeast U.S., Adam Terando et al., PLOS ONE. http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0102261
New Publication: Integrating Land Cover Modeling and Adaptive Management to Conserve Endangered Species and Reduce Catastrophic Fire Risk, David Breininger, Brean Duncan, Mitchell Eaton, Fred Johnson, and James Nichols, Land. file:///Users/climatesciencecenter?Downloads/Breininger%20et%20al%20Land&202014.pdf
New Publication: Urban warming trumps natural enemy regulation of herbivorous pests, Adam Dale and Steven Frank, Ecological Applications. http://www.esajournals.org/doi/abs/10.1890/13-1961.1
Three SE CSC-affiliated researchers to present at Ecological Society of America Concerence, August 10-15, Sacramento, CA: Tyson Wepprich and Brian Irwin are presenting on research stemming from the DOI Climate Science Centers, read more. Fellow, Michael Just, will be presenting on vegetation structure and microclimate influence on fire spread, read more.
New Webinar recording posted: Thomas Doyle (SE CSC PI), USGS: Sea-level Rise Modeling Handbook: Resource Guide for Coastal Land Managers, Engineers, and Scientists.
Research Spotlight: Read this month’s research spotlight on Michael Osland.
SE CSC convenes session at AGU Fall Meeting 2014: New Opportunities in Global Change Collaboration: Utilizing Federal–University Partnerships to Develop Actionable and Needs-Driven Science Agendas.
Explore our new Global Change Monitoring Portal: Read more.
NC Climate Office Annual Report: This year’s report tells of services the office provides, plus status on NC climate.
—— FEATURED RESOURCE: ——————————————
New Tool: The Marine and Estuarine Goal Setting for South Florida (MARES) Project is a new modeling tool and framework to help manage South Florida’s economically important coastal marine environments. Read more.
—— RESOURCES: ——————————————————–
State of the Climate 2013 Report, released online by the American Meteorological Society. Provides a detailed update on global climate indicators, notable weather events, and other data collected by environmental monitoring stations and instruments on air, land, sea, and ice. Read more.
New publication: Considering Multiple Futures: Scenario Planning to Address Uncertainty in Natural Resource Conservation. This report is issued by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS). Read more.
Vermont Journal of Envt. Law Special Issue: Rising Temps and Emerging Threats: The Intersection of Climate Change and National Security in the 21st Century.
EPA’s Flood Resiliency Tool: Flood Resilience Checklist for Communities. Read more.
New report focuses on economic effects of climate change in the United States: The Risky Business Project worked with an economic research firm, the Rhodium Group, to better determine how climate could affect the U.S. economy. Read the report here.
New article from the Yale Project on Climate Change Communication: The genesis of climate change activism: from key beliefs to political action focuses on growing climate change activism nationwide, investigating its underlying causes and implications.
Sea Level Rise (SLR) brochure: The Sarasota Bay Estuary Program recently released the SLR brochure, intended to provide the local community, planners and resource managers with the information and tools needed to deal with sea level rise.
The Riparian Restoration Decision Support Tool was recently released and funded by the Appalachian LCC. More information and the tool itself can be found here.
Video: Climate Change, the State of the Science Summarizes IPCC 5th Assessment. Read more.
How Hot Will Your Summers Be? A new interactive tool from Climate Central.
—— WEBINARS: ———————————————————-
Wednesday, August 13, 2014, 1:00-2:30 pm ET
EPA’s Office of Sustainable Communities presents,
Flood Resilience and Recovery Assistance: Lessons Learned from Vermont
For more information visit http://www.epa.gov/smartgrowth/webinars/index.html
Thursday, August 14, 2014, 2:00 pm ET
Integrated Data Management Network presents,
Science Project Tracking: Successful project tracking requires agreements on data standards and integration points. This allows LCCs to identify and assess funded research projects at regional and national scales.
Deanne DiPietro, PointBlue Conservation
For more information visit http://gcpolcc.org/profiles/blogs/integrated-data-management-network-hosts-webinar-series-june-12-a
Tuesday, August 26, 2014, 2:00pm ET
Overview of The SE Global Change Monitoring Portal, given by Cari Furiness.
For more information visit https://nccwsc.usgs.gov/webinar/359
Thursday, August 28, 2014, 2:00 pm ET
Integrated Data Management Network presents,
Next Generation Data Integration Challenges: Future landscape-scale analyses will rely on more and larger datasets, more computationally intense models, and an ever-increasing rate of data inputs and outputs. Integration activities must keep pace with these needs.
Tim Kern, USGS; Sean Finn, GNLCC; Jim Strittholt, CBI
For more information visit http://gcpolcc.org/profiles/blogs/integrated-data-management-network-hosts-webinar-series-june-12-a
—— SEMINARS: ———————————————————–
Friday, August 1, 2014. 12:30 pm
Home Life: The Ecology and Evolution of Everyday Species and Their Poorly Understood Consequences, NC State Campus. Read more.
—— UPCOMING EVENTS: ———————————————–
Shifting Seasons Summit: Building Tribal Capacity for Climate Change Adaptation, October 15-17, 2014, Keshena, WI. The College of Menominee Nation Sustainable Development Institute presents a 3-day summit on Tribal climate change adaptation. Read more.
National Workshop on Large Landscape Conservation, October 23-24, 2014, Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center, Washington, DC. Read more.
Conference: Linking Science, Practice and Decision Making, December 8-12, 2014, Washington, DC. Focus of the conference is to bring together the ecosystem services community from around the United States and the globe. Early registration deadline: Oct. 13. Read more.
—— LCC NEWS: ————————————————————
–Appalachian LCC Science Coordinator Position Announcement.
–Update your expertise in the Appalachian LCC Member Expert Database.
–Explore the Interactive Map, the CLCC Atlas, and access geospatial and monitoring data.
Gulf Coastal Plains and Ozark:
–Listen to Virginia Burkett, Chief Scientist for Climate and Land Use Change for USGS, speak about climate change impacts to the GCPO region in the Southeast based on the 2014 National Climate Assessment.
–Assessing the Ecological State of the GCPO and How You Can Help.
Peninsular Florida:
–Assessing Seagrass Vulnerability along Florida’s Gulf Coast, using NOAA’s Sea Level Rise Viewer Tool.
–Florida’s Wildlife Legacy Initiative accepting applications for Florida’s State Wildlife Grants Program.
South Atlantic:
–Confessions of a Conservation Planner: What makes the South Atlantic LCC’s Conservation Blueprint different?
–Indicator Revisions this Month: Estuaries.
–When it Rains it Pours…and Increases Soil Erosion Potential in a Changing Climate.
—— OTHER NEWS: ——————————————————–
Request from Gulf Coast Liaison, Amanda Watson: Apply your Research and Expertise to the Gulf Coast Vulnerability Assessment. The GCVA is assessing the vulnerability of four pilot habitats (mangroves, tidal emergent marsh, barrier islands, and oyster reefs) and species associated with each habitat to climate change, sea level rise, and land use change across the northern Gulf of Mexico. For more information click here.
Data available: Vegetation dynamics projection data for the Southeast are now available for download at http://www.basic.ncsu.edu/dsl/downloads.html. The data were produced as part of the Southeast Regional Assessment Project (SERAP) and depict future changes in the landscape in response to climate change and urbanization.
PLOS ONE accepting papers: PLOS ONE is still accepting papers for their upcoming collection, entitled Responding to Climate Change. It will incorporate a broad range of disciplines with a particular focus on work aimed at reducing fossil fuel emissions and returning the Earth and its ecosystems to a state of energy balance. Read more.
New report on the state of coral reefs in the Caribbean: The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) released a report with the GCRMN and UNEP exploring how fewer grazers in reef regions could mean the loss of Caribbean coral reefs within 20 years. But there’s hope. Read more.
New Snow Modeling Study Indicates Some Waterfowl Hunting May Have to Migrate North: Researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Center for Climatic Research modeled future snowfall, calculating a decrease in the cumulative winter severity index. Read more.
Supreme Court Justices Uphold Emissions Limits on Big Industry: On Monday, June 23rd the US Supreme Court showed support for the Environmental Protection Agency’s efforts to regulate large-scale, industrial sources of greenhouse gas emissions. Read more.
Scientists Locate Natural “Strongholds” across Southeast U.S. that Could Protect Nature in the Face of Climate Change: The Nature Conservancy’s new study expands an ongoing effort to find climate strongholds across the country. Read more.
—— OPPORTUNITIES: —————————————————–
Citizen Science 2015 Conference, San Jose, California, 11-12 February 2015. The first conference of the new Citizen Science Association will be convened in conjunction with the 2015 Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
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