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National Climate Assessment

A federally mandated scientific assessment under the Global Change Research Act of 1990 that evaluates current and projected climate change related effects across the U.S. every four years.

NCA4 Webinar Series

This six-part series, featuring presentations from chapter authors, elaborates on key messages outline in the Southeast, Caribbean, & Tribes and Indigenous Peoples chapters of the NCA4.

What is the NCA4?

The NCA4 Volume II: Impact, Risks, and Adaptation in the United States, released in November 2018, builds on the NCA4 Volume I: Climate Science Special Report (CSSR), published in 2017. The CSSR provides in-depth analysis on the foundational physical science of climate change upon which much of the assessment of impacts in Volume II is based.

This page provides quick access to relevant NCA4 links, including the full reports, as well as executive summaries, summary findings, reports in brief, SE CASC NCA4 blog posts, and other related publications. Hard copies of these materials can be ordered here from the U.S. Global Change Research Program website. 

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U.S. Caribbean

Tribes and Indigenous Peoples