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Third Thursday Web Forum: The Southeast Conservation Blueprint Explorer and SECAS Atlas – New ways to access the Blueprint data
April 20, 2023 @ 10:00 am - 11:00 am
The Third Thursday Web Forum is hosted by the Southeast Conservation Adaptation Strategy and held on the third Thursday of each month at 10 am Eastern time. We hope you’ll join us.
Webinars and other SECAS events are available on the SECAS event calendar.
“Bayou La Batre, a newly restored and resilient waterfront community” with Mary Kate Brown, Coastal Projects Manager with The Nature Conservancy in Alabama
Together with the City of Bayou La Batre, the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Mobile County, and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, The Nature Conservancy implemented a large-scale restoration project to protect the coastal community of Bayou La Batre from future coastal hazards and to revitalize a locally important waterfront area. Designed by Moffatt & Nichol, the Lightning Point Restoration project included one mile of segment breakwaters created from 51,000 tons of rock; 40 acres of marsh and scrub shrub habitats created from 240,000 cubic yards of repurposed dredged material; 2 miles of excavated tidal creeks; and installation of almost 90,000 native plants.
Since being completed in Summer 2020, the project proved resilient against five major named storms with minimal damages. The implementation of Lightning Point Restoration project was successful due to the project team addressing various potential barriers including community acceptance, technical feasibility, funding limitations, political support, legal concerns, cost and benefit of actions, and consistence with community and regional environmental goals. This presentation will show key features of the project including the progression of the project planning, importance to the local coastal community, design considerations, monitoring and adaptive management planning, and long-term site sustainability planning.
Join Microsoft Teams meeting: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MjliZmYyN2EtOWY1Yi00N2FjLTkyOTYtZWRiNTJkNjAyNGIy%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%220693b5ba-4b18-4d7b-9341-f32f400a5494%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22765228b1-d0d0-4438-812e-51cbb57819f1%22%7d