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NCA5 Webinar: Water

The NCA5 chapter webinars are an opportunity for you to hear about the findings of a particular chapter from the authors themselves. Each virtual one-hour event is expected to include…

Webinar: 2022 AFWA Climate Adaption Survey Report


The 2022 AFWA Climate Adaptation Survey Report is now available. This webinar will feature highlights of the survey results, next steps for AFWA's Climate Adaptation Program based on these results, and allow…

NCA5 Webinar: Forests

The NCA5 chapter webinars are an opportunity for you to hear about the findings of a particular chapter from the authors themselves. Each virtual one-hour event is expected to include…

NCA5 Webinar: Southeast

The NCA5 chapter webinars are an opportunity for you to hear about the findings of a particular chapter from the authors themselves. Each virtual one-hour event is expected to include…

Transdisciplinary Approaches: The Science of Team Science


Working on teams employing transdisciplinary approaches presents many challenges.In the second webinar in the Transdisciplinary Approaches series, speakers will share information about the keys to the success of complex teams…

Climate & Conservation Coffee (virtual)

Join virtually via Zoom: climate & conservation coffee is an informal gathering of the landscape conservation and climate change community in the Raleigh, NC area. It began in 2012 as…

NCA5 Webinar: Energy

The NCA5 chapter webinars are an opportunity for you to hear about the findings of a particular chapter from the authors themselves. Each virtual one-hour event is expected to include…

DKS/S2A Informational Webinar


Join this webinar to learn more about two graduate student fellowship opportunities with the USGS Climate Adaptation Science Centers that will begin accepting Statements of Interest on Dec. 1. During…


Exploring Livestock Grazing for Coastal Habitat Management Webinar


NOAA Science Seminar SeriesTitle: Exploring Livestock Grazing for Coastal Habitat Management WebinarPresenter:  Robert Smith, Coastal Coordinator for Wildlife Mississippi; Brandon Waltman, NCRS Assistant State Soil Scientist; Dr. Rocky Lemus, forage research…