Adrienne Wootten
Global Change Fellow Alumna | Atmospheric Sciences | North Carolina State University
2012 – 2013 Global Change Fellow
Where are they now?
Adrienne is a Research Scientist with the South Central Climate Adaptation Science Center at the University of Oklahoma.
Statement of purpose:
I am beginning my Ph.D. at NCSU working with Professor Ryan Boyles. I am interested in downscaling techniques used in climate change projections. Specifically, the uncertainty surrounding these projections and techniques and their effective communication, particularly with regards to management decisions in various sectors. Therefore when my Ph.D. is complete my work will continue to be inter-disciplinary in nature with particular emphasis on the integration of economic and climate change projection information into decisions in multiple sectors.
Description of research:
The proposed research as part of my Ph.D. will include efforts to assist in the Southeast Climate Science Center (SECSC) Science Plan Theme 1 by providing guidance on the appropriate climate model information in ecological models and related management decisions. This work will involve ongoing engagement to address the concerns of the LCCs in the Southeast and synthesize the available downscaled datasets with emphasis on these concerns. The engagement built into this initial portion will provide a foundation for further work involving the communication and understanding of uncertainty progressing from global climate models through to impact assessment.
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Relevant Web Posts
- Bowden, JH, Terando, AJ, Misra, V, et al. High-resolution dynamically downscaled rainfall and temperature projections for ecological life zones within Puerto Rico and for the U.S. Virgin Islands. Int J Climatol. 2020; 41: 1305– 1327.
- Guckian, M.L., E. M. Markowitz, C.S. Tucker, E. Kiekebusch, T. Klemm, L. Middleton, A.M. Wootten, and M.D. Staudinger, 2021. Assessing the impact of an online climate science community: The Early Career Climate Forum. Weather, Climate, and Society. DOI:
- Fovargue R., S. Rezapour, D. Rosendahl, A.M. Wootten, H. Zamzani-Sabzi, H.A. Moreno, and T.M. Neeson, 2021. Spatial planning for water sustainability projects under climate uncertainty: balancing human and environmental water needs. Environmental Research Letters, 16, DOI:
- Wootten A.M., E.C. Massoud, A. Sengupta, D.E. Waliser, and H. Lee, 2020. The Effect of Statistical Downscaling on the Weighting of Multi-Model Ensembles of Precipitation. Climate, DOI: – Editor’s Choice