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Forrest Vanderbilt

Acting Assistant Regional Administrator



Forrest Vanderbilt is on detail to SE CASC from the Patuxent Research Refuge campus in Laurel, Maryland where he is the Ecological Patterns and Processes Capability Team Manager overseeing an array of research including stream and wetland ecology, fish, mussel, avian and amphibian ecology, landscape ecology, ecological modeling, endangered species conservation and habitat assessment. He is also the Ecosystem Mission Areas Environmental Compliance Liaison with DOI ensuring our funded science is appropriately represented across all federal agencies in its use and application.

Forrest came to the USGS from the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), where he has over 15 years of federal service, most recently serving as a Supervisory Physical Scientist at the Institute for Water Resources in Alexandria, VA. His USACE career started off by balancing Clean Water Act permit decisions as a Regulatory Project Manager for the Los Angeles District before transferring to the Savannah District. After being selected for a detail at USACE HQ, he transferred to the Institute for Water Resources with primary responsibility supporting the Regulatory and Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration/Environmental Communities of Practice. He later added the Navigation mission area and Decision Support analysis to his duties and responsibilities. Before his most recent promotion, he was temporarily promoted to acting Senior Environmental Policy Advisor and Aquatic Ecosystem Business line manager within the HQ Planning and Policy Division.

Forrest earned his doctorate in Environmental Science and Engineering and holds a master’s degree in environmental science. Forrest is excited to bring his knowledge of water and land resources, aquatic ecosystem restoration, policy, planning, budgeting, and connection to external partners and other federal agencies to the Ecological Patterns and Processes Team at EESC. His experience working with Federal, State, and local agencies, integrating diverse teams, and ensuring public trust will be a great asset to EESC.

Forrest resides in Arlington, Virginia, with his wife Beth, kids (13 and 10), Siberian Huskies, rabbit, and fish. He enjoys bicycle riding with his family, watching his kids play soccer, and listening to a good podcast.
