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Geospatial Forum with Dr. Xun Shi (Dartmouth)

Jordan Hall Addition 1216, 2720 Faucette Drive, Raleigh, NC, 27695, United States

Spatial Analysis of Communicable Diseases

Sea Level Rise Here and Now


NOAA Science Seminar SeriesTitle: Sea Level Rise Here and NowPresenter: William Sweet, NOAA NOSSponsor: NOAA NCEI NEDTalks 2022Seminar Contact: rafael.deameller@noaa.govRemote Access:  Registration link:  William Sweet is a NOAA Oceanographer spearheading efforts to track and predict changes…

Genetics and Genomics Academy Seminar

David Clark Labs Room 101

Genes & Society: Decolonizing Human Genetic Research Workshop SeriesWhile the events over the last several years in the United States have placed an important focus on issues of race, diversity,…

Southeast Climate Monthly Webinar

Via webinar

Join us for the Southeast Climate Monthly Webinar organized by NOAA/NIDIS These webinars provide the region's stakeholders and interested parties with timely information on current and developing climate conditions such as…

GES Colloquium: Indigenous data ethics in genomics and health

GES Colloquium: Tuesday, 11/8, 12 PM ET in Poe 202 and via ZoomIndigenous data ethics in genomics and healthKrystal Tsosie, PhD, MPH, MA, Presidential Postdoctoral Fellow and Co-Founder, Native BioData Consortium, at…

Land-Grab Universities: How the Morrill Act funded land grant universities

Register here.In 1862, President Abraham Lincoln signed the Morrill Act, which turned nearly 11 million acres of land expropriated from tribal nations into seed money for land grant universities.This November,…