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NCA5 Webinar: Land Cover and Land Use Change

The NCA5 chapter webinars are an opportunity for you to hear about the findings of a particular chapter from the authors themselves. Each virtual one-hour event is expected to include…

Ecological Forestry in the Context of Climate Change


This 12-part monthly webinar series tells a story about how small- and large-scale forest disturbance, such as fire, wind, ice storms, hurricanes, sea-level rise, flooding, introduced and endemic forest pests,…

Third Thursday Web Forum

The Third Thursday Web Forum is hosted by the Southeast Conservation Adaptation Strategy and held on the third Thursday of each month at 10 am Eastern time. We hope you’ll…

Crop Insurance and Disaster Relief Webinar

Join this discussion to learn about crop insurance and disaster relief programs available through the USDA. The Farm Service Agency delivers timely, effective programs and services to America's farmers and ranchers…

Increase Resilience to Climate Variability on Agricultural Lands in South Carolina

Learn how climate variability is impacting South Carolina producers and opportunities for building resilience through adaptive management using resources from the USDA Southeast Climate Hub. Discuss and share resources that…