Exploring Livestock Grazing for Coastal Habitat Management Webinar
WebinarNOAA Science Seminar SeriesTitle: Exploring Livestock Grazing for Coastal Habitat Management WebinarPresenter: Robert Smith, Coastal Coordinator for Wildlife Mississippi; Brandon Waltman, NCRS Assistant State Soil Scientist; Dr. Rocky Lemus, forage research…
NW CASC CV ReWorkshop: Updating Your CV to Contextualize Your Contributions in Societally Engaged Research
https://washington.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAsd-yvrDwsH92nx9VpPE2d9aA5iymt7wgt#/registrationAre you a researcher engaging with non-academic partners to develop science that meets real-world needs? If so, you may have noticed that the traditional format of scientific CVs, focused on…
SE CASC Science Seminar – Results for the Southeast from the 2022 AFWA Climate Adaptation Survey Report
Seminar Title: Results for the Southeast from the 2022 AFWA Climate Adaptation Survey ReportSpeaker: Jacob Blandford (AFWA)Learn more and register here.OverviewThe Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (AFWA) conducted a survey…
NE CASC Seminar – Ripple Effects of Dissolved Oxygen Depletion in Temperate Lakes under Climate Change
OverviewA fundamental component of lake ecosystems, dissolved oxygen is a critical characteristic of habitat in the aquatic environment and strongly influences the chemical constituents present in the water column. In…
The Future is Smoky Panel Discussion
With increasing wildfire activity due to changes in climate, smoke will likely become more prevalent and continue to have an effect on society. Earlier this year, smoke from Canada wildfires…
Technical Assistance for Tribes and Indigenous Peoples to Advance Environmental Justice and Climate/Energy Justice
WebinarThis webinar will present information on the new technical assistance programs, such as the Thriving Communities Technical Assistance Centers (TCTAC’s), being supported by the U.S. EPA Office of Environmental Justice…
NC CASC Webinar: The Art and Science of Developing a Menu of Climate Change Adaptation Actions for Managing Wildlife and Ecosystems
WebinarABSTRACT:The Adaptation Workbook is a structured process to consider the potential effects of climate change and design land management and conservation actions that can help prepare for changing conditions. The…
U.S. Pacific Northwest Drought Early Warning System (DEWS) December Drought & Climate Outlook
WebinarNOAA Science Seminar SeriesTitle: Pacific Northwest DEWS December Drought & Climate Outlook WebinarPresenters: Moderator: Janelle Christensen, USDA Northwest Climate HubClimate Recap & Current Conditions: Larry O’Neill, Oregon Climate ServiceSeasonal Conditions/Climate…
Ecological Forestry in the Context of Climate Change
WebinarThis 12-part monthly webinar series tells a story about how small- and large-scale forest disturbance, such as fire, wind, ice storms, hurricanes, sea-level rise, flooding, introduced and endemic forest pests,…
Climate Careers Webinar Communications Jobs in International Organizations
Career guidance from climate communications professionalsThis free webinar brings together communications professionals working in the climate space at international organisations to provide career guidance to those interested in pursuing a…
Climate & Conservation Coffee (virtual)
Join virtually via Zoom: https://ncsu.zoom.us/j/98919917840?pwd=R3lhSUlzdzVjUW9KbGJ3SGVDMXEzQT09This climate & conservation coffee is an informal gathering of the landscape conservation and climate change community in the Raleigh, NC area. It began in 2012 as…