Applied Ecology Departmental seminar
DCL 102 (DCL 123 overflow viewing)
First Friday All Climate Change Talks (FFACCTS) is a monthly webinar series organized by the USDA Climate Hubs and Forest Service Research and Development. These webinars feature presentations from USDA…
First Friday All Climate Change Talks (FFACCTS) is a monthly webinar series organized by the USDA Climate Hubs and Forest Service Research and Development. These webinars feature presentations from USDA…
You are invited to the Crop and Soil Sciences SeminarWednesday, February 7, at 3:40 PMDr. James HarringtonFellow, RTI InternationalAdjunct Assistant Professor of Crop & Soil Sciences DepartmentNorth Carolina State UniversityFrom…
Presenter(s): Nicole Besemer, Oceanographer, NOAA's Atlantic Oceanographic & Meteorological Laboratory Coral ProgramSponsor(s): NOAA/NOS Office of National Marine SanctuariesSeminar contact:, (805) 570-1113Location: WebinarRemote Access: Register at link opens in a new windowAbstract: With record high…
Presenter(s): Amira Layeni, LMRCSC II, NOAA Office of Education, Educational Partnership Program with Minority Serving Institutions (EPP/MSI)Sponsor(s): NOAA EPP/MSI Cooperative Science CentersSeminar Contact(s):, oed.epp10@noaa.govRemote Access: Google Meet joining infoVideocall link: link opens in a…
The NCA5 chapter webinars are an opportunity for you to hear about the findings of a particular chapter from the authors themselves. Each virtual one-hour event is expected to include…
The Third Thursday Web Forum is hosted by the Southeast Conservation Adaptation Strategy and held on the third Thursday of each month at 10 am Eastern time. We hope you’ll…
The Third Thursday Web Forum is hosted by the Southeast Conservation Adaptation Strategy and held on the third Thursday of each month at 10 am Eastern time. We hope you’ll…
Fueling Collaboration Panel Discussion SeriesLand management programs are frequently confronted with the imperative of incorporating the most advanced scientific knowledge into their decision-making processes along with filling voids in research…