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Webinar: What Can Successful Communication Look Like in Actionable Science? Examples from the Climate Adaptation Science Centers

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Description:This webinar is part of the Northwest Climate Adaptation Science Center (NW CASC) Actionable Science Webinar series. Register here.Date: December 3, 2019Time: 2:00pmDescription:While the peer-reviewed publication is the mainstay of academic science communication, science that is co-produced with decision-makers to help address environmental challenges often demands products that look quite different. While a peer-reviewed publication…

Dibaginjigaadeg Anishinaabe Ezhitwaad: A Tribal Climate Adaptation Menu for Indigenous-led Climate Adaptation

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Register here. About:Traditional and Indigenous knowledge and perspectives have not often been recognized in planning resources for climate adaptation in natural and cultural resource management. This symposium will introduce participants to Dibaginjigaadeg Anishinaabe Ezhitwaad: A Tribal Climate Adaptation Menu, a new tool to assist in developing specific adaptation actions that recognize and incorporate tribal perspectives. The…

Webinar: Better Stories, Bigger Impact: How Scientists Can Engage Effectively with the Media to Share Their Science

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This webinar is part of the Northwest Climate Adaptation Science Center (NW CASC) Actionable Science Webinar series. Register here.Date: November 5, 2019Time: 2:00pmDescription:More than ever, scientists are being asked to explain how their research is relevant to society and decision-making. This often requires them to navigate interactions with the media. In this webinar, journalist and…

Webinar: Communication as an Essential Ingredient for Actionable Science: Key Concepts, Practical Strategies and Innovative Examples from the Northwest

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This webinar is part of the Northwest Climate Adaptation Science Center (NW CASC) Actionable Science Webinar series. Register here.Engaging scientists and decision-makers in the co-production of knowledge is considered a best practice for generating science that is likely to be useful and used in addressing pressing environmental challenges. Effective, ongoing communication is vital to the…

Webinar: Sea-Level Rise, El Niño, and Storm Effects on Coastal Tidal Marshes

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This webinar is part of the 2019 NCASC 'Science You Can Use' webinar series to highlight the CASCs’ ready to use science products.Webinar Date:Tuesday, September 24, 20193:00 PM EDTRegistration:Register here.Summary:Tidal marshes exist as a transitional environment between the land and sea, and provides habitat to fish and wildlife, protects human developments from coastal flooding, and…