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Journal Articles and Reports

This page holds a collection of Southeast CASC funded and supported publications.

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SE CASC Publications Database

TitleAuthorsYearPublicationKeywordsFunding Source
The safe development paradox of the United States regulatory floodplain
Sanchez, G.M., Lawrimore, M.A., Petrasova, A., Vogler, J.B., Collins, E.L., Petras, V., Harper, T., Butzler, E.J. and Meentemeyer, R.K.2024PLOS Onefloodplain, land development, urbanization, adaptationSee Project Page
A Systematic Literature Review on Climate Change Adaptation Planning for Archaeological Site Management and the Prevalence of Stakeholder Engagement
Hotchkiss, C., Seekamp, E.2024American Antiquityarchaeology
cultural heritage
climate change
Indigenous and Traditional Ecological Knowledge (ITEK)
resource management
literature review
Global Change Fellows Program
Projecting the long-term effects of large-scale human influence on the spatial and functional persistence of extant longleaf pine ecosystems in the Florida Flatwoods Pyrome
Hutchens, L., Kupfer, J. A., Gao, P., Sanchez, G. M., Meentemeyer, R. K., Terando, A. J., & Kevin Hiers, J.2024Conservation Science and PracticeFlorida Flatwoods, longleaf pine, prescribed burning, urbanizationSee Project Page
The effects of flow extremes on native and non-native stream fishes in Puerto Rico
Myers, B. J., Engman, A. C., Ramírez, A., Torres‐Molinari, A., Lynch, A. J., Eaton, M. J., ... & Kwak, T. J.2024Freshwater Biologyextreme flows, fish assemblage structure, tropical riversGlobal Change Fellows Program
Biodiversity is not a luxury: Unpacking wealth and power to accommodate the complexity of urban biodiversity
Kamakura, R. P., Bai, J., Vallari, S., Katti, M.2024Ecospherebiodiversity, cities, inequality, luxury effect, power dynamics, theoretical framework, urban ecologyGlobal Change Fellows Program
Applying portfolio theory to benefit endangered amphibians in the coastal welands threatened by climate change, high uncertainty, and significant investment riskEaton, M.J., Terando, A., Collazo, J.A.2024Frontiers in Conservation Sciencespatial conservation planning, reserve design, portfolio optimization, risk management, habitat-species modeling, climate change, assisted migrationSee Project Page
Using climate-fire analog mapping to inform climate change adaptation strategies for wildland fire in protected areas of the conterminous USTerando, A., Gao, P., Kupfer, J., Young, K. Hiers, J.K.2024Global Environmental Change AdvancesClimate change, Wildland fire, Climate analog, Protected areas, Resist-accept-directSE CASC Staff
Assessing Stock Photos for Farmworker Health and Safety Education Materials
LePrevost, C. E., Harwell, E. L., Zahra, A. G., Jewell, M. A., Robles Arvizu, J. A., & Lee, J. G. L.2024Journal of Agromedicinefarmworkers, stock photos, material development, health promotion, representationSE CASC Staff
A new genus and species of nicoletiid silverfish (Insecta, Zygentoma, Nicoletiidae) from caves of northern Alabama, USA
Espinasa, L., Gutierrez, A., Hinkle, A., Niemiller, M.L.2024Subterranean Biologycave ecology, new species, silverfish, cave-dwelling insectsSee Project Page
Using multi-scale spatial models of dendritic ecosystems to infer abundance of a stream salmonid
Lu, X., Kanno, Y., Valentine, G.P., Rash, J.M., Hooten, M.B.2024Journal of Applied EcologyBayesian hierarchical model, multi-scale spacial model, Functional analysis, Climate change refugiaSee Project Page
Regularized Latent Trajectory Models for Spatio-temporal Population Dynamics
Lu, X., Kanno, Y., Valentine, G. P., Kulp, M. A., Hooten, M. B.
2024Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental StatisticsBayesian hierarchical model, State-space model, Functional analysis, Climate change refugia, Brook charrSee Project Page
Nature or the outdoors? Understanding the power of language in elementary students’ self-reported connection to nature
Reas, J., Stevenson, K.T., Gibson, L., Beall, J., Larson, L. R.
2024Environmental Education ResearchConnection to nature, environmental education, children, measurement, outdoorsGlobal Change Fellows Program
Multi-criteria decision approach for climate adaptation of cultural resources along the Atlantic coast of the southeastern United States: Application of AHP method
Kibria, A.S.M.G., Seekamp, E., Xiao, X., Dalyander, S., Eaton, M.2024Climate Risk Managementclimate adaptation, analytic hierarchy process, management objectives, resource managementSee Project Page
As prey and pollinators, insects increase reproduction and allow for outcrossing in the carnivorous plant Dionaea muscipula
Hamon, L.E., Youngsteadt, E., Irwin R.E., Sorenson, C.2024American Journal of Botanyplant biology, carnivorus plants, plant reproduction, pollination biology, conservation management plansGlobal Change Fellows Program
Bee species richness through time in an urbanizing landscape of the southeastern United States
Ruzi, SA, E Youngsteadt, AH Cherveny, JKettenbach, HK. Levenson, DS Carley, JA Collazo, RE Irwin2023Global Change Biologyextrapolation, museum collections, occupancy models, pollinators, rarefaction, urbanization, Wake County, North CarolinaGlobal Change Fellows Program
Ambassadors, stewards, advocates—Is engagement of polar tourists in conservation symbolic or substantive? A scoping reviewReas, J, Y Leung, D Cajiao2023Frontiers in Sustainable Tourismtourism, conservationGlobal Change Fellows Program
Spatial asynchrony and cross-scale climate interactions in populations of a coldwater stream fish
Valentine, GP, X Lu, ES Childress, CA Dolloff, NP Hitt, MA Kulp, BH Letcher, KC Pregler, JM Rash, MB Hooten, Y Kanno2023Global Change BiologyBayesian, brook trout, climate, portfolio effect, stream fish, synchrony, weatherSee Project Page
Robust assessment of associations between weather and eastern wild turkey nest success
Boone, WW, CE Moorman, DJ Moscicki, BA Collier, MJ Chamberlain, AJ Terando, K Pacifici2023Wildlife Managementclimate change, Galliformes, Meleagris gallopavo, Phasianidae, precipitation, temperature, wet hen hypothesisSee Project Page
Spatially interactive modeling of land change identifies location-specific adaptations most likely to lower future flood risk
Sanchez, GM, A Petrasova, MM Skrip, EL Collins, MALawrimore, JB Vogler, A Terando, J Vukomanovic, H Mitasova, RK Meentemeyer 2023Scientific Reportsspatial model, land use, adaptationSee Project Page
Bayesian weighting of climate models based on climate sensitivity
Massoud EC, HK Lee, A Terando, M Wehner2023Communications Earth & Environmentclimate model, Bayesian, climate changeSE CASC Staff
Scenario-Based Decision Analysis: Integrated scenario planning and structured decision making for resource management under climate changeBeckham, TL, BB Cutts, L Rivers, K Dello, LA Bray, O Vilá2023International Journal of Disaster Risk Reductionleadership, social capital, disaster recoveryGlobal Change Fellows Program
Scenario-Based Decision Analysis: Integrated scenario planning and structured decision making for resource management under climate changeMiller, BW, MJ Eaton, AJ Symstad, GW Schuurman, I Rangwala, WR Travis2023Biological Conservationadaptation, multi-criteria decision analysis, risk, scenarios, surprises, uncertaintySE CASC Staff
Assessing the Toxicity of Sea Salt to Early Life Stages of Freshwater Mussels: Implications for Sea Level Rise in Coastal Rivers
McIver, J, WG Cope, RB Bringolf, TJ Kwak, B Watson, A Maynard, R Mair2023Environmental Toxicology and Chemistrysea salt toxicity, climate change, freshwater mussel, median effect concentration (EC50), acute toxicity, salinizationSee Project Page
Potential effects of climate change on Acipenser fulvescens (lake sturgeon)Embke, HS, CA Nikiel, MP Lyons2023U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Reportlake sturgeon, climate changeSE CASC Staff
Tourist Perceptions of Climate Change Impacts on Mountain Ecotourism in Southern Mexico
Deason, G, E Seekamp, A Terando, C Rojas2023Tourism and Hospitalitymountain ecotourism, Mexico, contingent behavior, climate change, community-based ecotourism, tourists’ perceptionsSE CASC Staff
Minimal shift of eastern wild turkey nesting phenology associated with projected climate changeBoone, WW, CE Moorman, AJ Terando, DJ Moscicki, BA Collier, MJ Chamberlain, K Pacifici2023Climate Change EcologyMeleagris gallopavo, wild turkey, rainfall, temperature, phenological mismatch, spring green-upSE CASC Staff
Climate change and the global redistribution of biodiversity: substantial variation in empirical support for expected range shiftsRubenstein, MA, SR Weiskopf, R Bertrand, SL Carter, L Comte, MJ Eaton, CG Johnson, J Lenoir, AJ Lynch, BW Miller, TL Morelli, MA Rodriguez, A Terando, LMThompson 2023Environmental Evidenceglobal change, distribution shift, species redistribution, latitude, elevation, depth, warming, vulnerabilitySE CASC Staff
Spectral Signatures of Flow Regime Alteration by Dams Across the United StatesChalise, DR, A Sankarasubramanian, JD Olden, A Ruhi2023Earth's Futuredams, hydrologic alteration, time series analysis, water sustainability, waveletsGlobal Change Fellows Program
Understanding the Food-Energy-Water Nexus in Mixed Irrigation Regimes Using a Regional Hydroeconomic Optimization Modeling FrameworkKumar, H, T Zhu, A Sankarasubramanian2023Water Resources Researchfood-energy-water nexus, hydroeconomic model, positive mathematical programmingGlobal Change Fellows Program
Potential Effects of Climate Change on Emydoidea blandingii (Blanding’s Turtle)Lyons, MP, CA Nikiel, OE LeDee, R Boyles2023U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Reportclimate change, Blanding's turtleSE CASC Staff
Gulf Islands National Seashore Regional Sediment Budget Research and Data Needs: Workshop Series Summary
Seekamp, E, J Flocks, C Hotchkiss, L York, K Irick2023U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Reportclimate, sediment budget, natural resources, cultural resourcesSee Project Page
Quantifying uncertainty in coastal salinity regime for biological application using quantile regressionYurek, S, M Allen, MJ Eaton, D Chagaris, N Reaver, J Martin, P Frederick, M Dehaven2023Ecosphereclimate, biological salinity tolerance, coastal salinity regime, drought
Value-Aligned Planning Objectives for Restoring North Carolina Aquatic ResourcesGarcía, AM, M Eaton, GM Sanchez, JL Keisman, K Ullman, J Blackwell2023U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Reportaquatic resources, north carolina, development, population growth
Potential Effects of Climate Change on Ambystoma barbouri (Streamside Salamander)
Lyons, MP, OE LeDee, R Boyles2023U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Reportclimate change, streamside salamandersSE CASC Staff
Decision science as a framework for combining geomorphological and ecological modeling for the management of coastal systemsMartin, J, MS Richardson, DL Passeri, NM Enwright, S Yurek, JG Flocks, MJ Eaton, SL Zeigler, H Charkhgard, BJ Udell, ER Irwin2023Ecology and Society adaptive management, barrier island restoration, decision analysis, geomorphological modeling
Co-occurrence of freshwater and marine phycotoxins: A record of microcystins and domoic acid in Bogue Sound, North Carolina (2015 to 2020)Anderson, M, M Valera, A Schnetzer2023Harmful Algaeharmful algal blooms, toxins, estuariesGlobal Change Fellows Program
Experimental evaluation of how biological invasions and climate change interact to alter the vertical assembly of an amphibian communityBaecher, JA, SA Johnson, EA Roznik, BR Scheffers2023Journal of Animal Ecologyclimate change, competition, invasive species, niche partitioningSee Working Group Page
Vulnerability of Estuarine Systems in the Contiguous United States to Water Quality Change Under Future Climate and Land-UseMontefiore, LR, NG Nelson, MD Staudinger, A Terando2023Earth's Futureestuarine systems, water quality, climate change, land useGlobal Change Fellows Program
Compact or Sprawling Cities: Has the Sparing‑Sharing Framework
Yielded an Ecological Verdict?
Youngsteadt, E, A Terando, J Costanza, J Vukomanovic2023Current Landscape Ecology Reportsurbanization, biodiversity, ecosystem services, landscape configuration
Working Group 1: Geophysical and
Chemical Scientific Knowledge State of the Climate Report Puerto Rico Climate Change Council
Díaz, E, A Terando, W Gould, J Bowden, P Chardón, M Jury, M Meléndez, J Morell 2022Puerto Rico Climate Change Councilclimate change, scenarios, mitigationSee Project Page
Effects of Urban Heat Islands on Temperate Forest Trees and ArthropodsFrank, SD, KM Backe2022Current Forestry Reportsurban forest, climate change, conservation, tree pestsSee Project Page
Prescribed fire in longleaf pine ecosystems: fire managers’ perspectives on priorities, constraints, and future prospectsKupfer, JA, K Lackstrom, JM Grego, K Dow, AJ Terando, JK Hiers2022Fire Ecologylongleaf pine, prescribed fire, compound stressors, burn windows, conservation goals, climate changeSee Project Page
Life-history stage and the population genetics of the tiger mosquito Aedes albopictus at a fine spatial scaleReed, EMX, MH Reiskind, MO Burford Reiskind2022Medical and Veterinary Entomologydisease, vector, mosquito, managementGlobal Change Fellows Program
Optimal Strategies for Managing Wildlife Harvest Under System ChangeTucker, AM, MC Runge2021Wildlife Managementpopulation dynamics, climate change, landscape change, managementSee Project Page
Strategies for meaningful engagement: A commentary on collaboration in archaeological climate adaptation planning
Hotchkiss, C., Seekamp, E., McGill, A.2022Parks Stewardship Forumarchaeology
cultural heritage
climate change
Indigenous and Traditional Ecological Knowledge (ITEK)
resource management

Global Change Fellows Program
Considering science needs to deliver actionable science
Bisbal GA, MJ Eaton2022Conservation Biologydecision maker, needs assessment, gap analysis, decision analysis, problem framing
Integrating principles and tools of decision science into value-driven watershed planning for compensatory migrationSanchez, GM, MJ Eaton, AM Garcia, J Keisman, K Ullman, J Blackwell, RK Meentemeyer2022Ecological Society of Americacompensatory mitigation, decision science, knowledge co-production, natural resources management, research-management partnerships, watershed planning
Mangroves provide blue carbon ecological value at a low freshwater costKrauss, KW, CE Lovelock, L Chen, U Berger, MC ball, R Reef, R Peters, H Bowen, AG Vovides, EJ Ward, MC Wimmler, J Carr, P Bunting, JA Duberstein2022Scientific Reportsblue carbon, mangroves, ecosystem services, wetlandSee Project Page
Developing a State-Level Natural and Working Lands Climate Action PlanWarnell, K, L Olander2022Nicholas Institute for Energy, Environment & Sustainability, Duke Universitynatural and working lands, climate resilience, adaptation, ecosystem servicesSee Project Page
Development of a survey instrument to assess individual and organizational use of climate adaptation scienceCourtney, SL, AA Hyman, KS McNeal, LC Maudlin, PR Armsworth2022Environmental Science and Policyclimate change, climate adaptation science, science evaluation, survey developmentSee Project Page
Future changes in habitat availability for two specialist snake species in the imperiled rocklands of South Florida, USASubedi, SC, SC Walls, WJ Barichivich, R Boyles, MS Ross, JA Hogan, JA Tupy2022Conservation Science and Practiceecosystem, urbanization,climate change, rockland habitatSee Project Page
Projecting Flood Frequency Curves Under Near-Term Climate ChangeAwasthi, C, SA Archfield, KR Ryberg, JE Kiang, A Sankarasubramanian2022Water Resources Researchfuture flood risk, climate change, estimated floodingGlobal Change Fellows Program
Sea level rise drives carbon and habitat loss in the U.S. mid-Atlantic coastal zoneWarnell, K, L Olander, C Currin2022PLOS Climatemarshes, carbon sequestration, sea level rise, salinity, habitats, wetlands, climate changeSee Project Page
Future Directions to Manage Wildlife Health in a Changing ClimateHofmeister, E, EC Ruhs, LB Fortini, MC Hopkins, L Jones, KD Lafferty, J Sleeman, O LeDee2022EcoHealthclimate change, wildlife management, wildlife healthSee Project Page
Assessing the Impact of an Online Climate Science Community: The Early Career Climate ForumGuckian, ML, EM Markowitz, CS Tucker, E Kiekebusch, T Klemm, L Middleton, A Wootten, MD Staudinger2021American Meteorological Societysocial science, communications/decision making, education, climate changeGlobal Change Fellows Program
Climate change weakens the impact of disturbance interval on the growth rate of natural populations of Venus flytrapLouthan, AM, M Keighron, E Kiekebusch, H Cayton, A Terando, WF Morris2022Ecological Society of Americaclimate change, dionaea muscipula, disturbance, fire, integral projection model, population,
Global Change Fellows Program
Distinct pathways to stakeholder use versus academic contribution in climate adaptation researchHyman,AA, SL Courtney, KS McNeal, L Bialic-Murphy, CS Furiness, MJ Eaton, PR Armsworth2022Conservation Lettersclimate adaptation, coproduction, stakeholder use, academic contributionsSee Project Page
Potential Effects of Climate Change on Snail Kites (Rostrhamus sociabilis plumbeus) in FloridaLyons, MP, OE LeDee, R Boyles2022U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Reportendangered species, wetland-dependent raptor, climate scenarios, recruitmentSee Project Page
Forecasting the influence of conservation strategies on landscape connectivityMozelewski, TG, ZJ Robbins, RM Scheller, TG Mozelewski2022Conservation Biologyconservation forecasting, dynamic connectivity, network theory, conservation planningGlobal Change Fellows Program
Forest water use is increasingly decoupled from water availability even during severe droughtMcQuillan, KA, MG Tulbure, KL Martin2022Landcape Ecologyevapotranspiration, remote sensing, topography, forest compositionGlobal Change Fellows Program
Political polarization of conservation issues in the era of COVID-19: An examination of partisan perspectives and priorities in the United StatesCasola, WR, JM Beall, MN Peterson, LR Larson, SB Jackson, KT Stevenson2022Journal for Nature Conservationcoronavirus, policy, political ideology, public opinion, zoonosesSee Project Page
Predicting flood damage probability across the conterminous United StatesCollins, EL, GM Sanchez, A Terando, CC Stillwell, H Mitasova, A Sebastian, and RK Meentemeyer2022Environmental Research Lettersflood damage, hazards, machine learning, random forestSee Project Page
Reconstructing the historical expansion of industrial swine production from Landsat imageryMontefiore, LR, NG Nelson, A Dean, M Sharara2022Scientific Reportsagroecology, satellite imagery, swine operationsGlobal Change Fellows Program
Can a simple water quality model effectively estimate runoff-driven nutrient loads to estuarine systems? A national-scale comparison of STEPLgrid and SPARROWMontefiore, LR, NG Nelson2022Environmental Modelling & Softwarenonpoint source pollution, nitrogen, phosphorus, water quality modelingGlobal Change Fellows Program
Effects of an alternative host on the prevalence and intensity of infection of a bumble bee parasitePinilla-Gallego, MS, R Irwin2022Parasitologybombus impatiens, crithidia bombi, bumble bee parasite, serial passageGlobal Change Fellows Program
Quantifying Dam-Induced Fluctuations in Streamflow Frequencies Across the Colorado River BasinHwang, J, H Kumar, A Ruhi, A Sankarasubramanian, N Devineni2022
Water Resources Researchreservoir operations, dynamic flow alteration index, dam clusters, river alterationGlobal Change Fellows Program
Grazing of a heterotrophic nanoflagellate on prokaryote and eukaryote prey: ingestion rates and gross growth efficiencyCorradino, GL, A Schnetzer2022Marine Ecology Progress Seriesheterotrophic nanoflagellate, ingestion rate, grazing, gross growth efficiencyGlobal Change Fellows Program
Shifting precipitation regimes alter the phenology and population dynamics of low latitude ectothermsHenry, EH, AJ Terando, WF Morris, JC Daniels, NM Haddad2022Climate Change Ecologytropical butterfly, precipitation changes, climate model, population dynamicsGlobal Change Fellows Program
Not all trees can make a forest: Tree species composition and competition control forest encroachment in a tropical savannaFlake, SW, EA Honda, NAL Pilon, WA Hoffmann, G Durigan2022Journal of Ecologysavanna, tree competition, generalist speciesGlobal Change Fellows Program
How decision makers view wildlife conservation challenges in the Southeast United StatesJewell, K, MN Peterson, M Martin, KT Stevenson, A Terando, RD Teseneer2021Journal of Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencieswildlife agencies, conservation leadership, planningSee Project Page
Toward an ecology of disasters: a primer for the pursuit of ecological research on disastersGibson, NL, EA Green, GA Herrera-R, SJ Love, SC Turner, M Weatherton, AS Faidiga, AR Luo, ML Ngoh, E Shershen, HkYoon, MJ Blum2021Ecology and Society community engagement, disaster cycle, pedagogy
Connection to Nature Boosts Adolescents’ Mental Well-Being during the COVID-19 PandemicJackson, SB, KT Stevenson, LR Larson, MN Peterson, E Seekamp2021Sustainabilityoutdoor activity participation, mental well-beingSee Project Page
Shifting correlations among multiple aspects of weather complicate predicting future demography of a threatened speciesLouthan, AM, JR Walters, AJ Terando, V Garcia, WF Morris2021Ecosphereweather drivers, vital rate, Dryobates borealis
SiteOpt: an open-source R-package for site selection and portfolio optimizationGhasemi Saghand, P, Z Haider, H Charkhgard, M Eaton, J Martin, S Yurek, BJ Udell2021Ecographyconservation planning tool, decision support, portfolio optimization
Salinity Thresholds for Understory Plants in Coastal WetlandsAnderson, S, E Ury, P Taillie, E Ungberg, C Moorman, B Poulter, M Ardon, E Bernhardt, J Wright2021Plant Ecologycoastal wetlands, saltwater intrusion, vegetation changeGlobal Change Fellows Program
Structured Decision Making and Optimal Bird Monitoring in the Northern Gulf of MexicoFournier, AMV, RR Wilson, JE Lyons, JS Gleason, EM Adams, LM Barnhill, JM Brush, RJ Cooper, SJ DeMaso, MJL Driscoll, MJ Eaton, PC Frederick, MG Just, MA Seymour, JM Tirpak, MS Woodrey2021USGS Open-File Reportavian monitoring, conservation, stakeholdersSee Project Page, Global Change Fellows Program
Evaluating online and tangible interfaces for engaging stakeholders in forecasting and control of biological invasionsGaydos,DA, CM Jones, SK Jones, GC Millar, V Petras, A Petrasova, H Mitasova, RK Meentemeyer,2021Ecological Applicationsecological forecasts, biological invasionsGlobal Change Fellows Program
Animal-Driven Nutrient Supply Declines Relative to Ecosystem Nutrient Demand Along a Pond Hydroperiod GradientBalik, JA, EE Jameson, SA Wissinger, HH Whiteman, BW Taylor 2021Ecosystemsanimal effects, biogeochemistry, wetlandsGlobal Change Fellows Program
Regional Temperature-Ozone Relationships Across the U.S. Under Multiple Climate and Emissions ScenariosNolte, CG, TL Spero, JH Bowden, MC Sarofim, J Martinich, MS Mallard2021Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association air quality, ozone, dynamical downscaling
Tropical Cyclones’ Contribution to Seasonal Precipitation and Streamflow Over the Southeastern and Southcentral United StatesChalise, DR, A Aiyyer, A Sankarasubramanian2021Geophysical Research LettersTropical cyclone, Precipitation, StreamflowGlobal Change Fellows Program
Climate change is creating a mismatch between protected areas and suitable habitats for frogs and birds in Puerto RicoCampos-Cerqueira, M, AJ Terando, BA Murray, JA Collazo, TM Aide 2021Biodiversity and Conservation Passive acoustic monitoring, Species distribution models
The Distribution and Structure of Mangroves (Avicennia germinans and Rhizophora mangle) Near a Rapidly Changing Range Limit in the Northeastern Gulf of MexicoSnyder, CM, LC Feher, MJ Osland, CJ Miller, AR Hughes, KL Cummins 2021Estuaries and Coasts Coastal wetlands, Extreme freeze eventsSee Project Page
The toughest animals of the Earth versus global warming: Effects of long-term experimental warming on tardigrade community structure of a temperate deciduous forestVecchi, M, LK Adakpo, RR Dunn, LM Nichols, CA Penick, NJ Sanders, L Rebecchi, R Guidetti2021Ecology and EvolutionTardigrades, Envronmental stressorsSee Project Page
Climate adaptation planning for cultural heritages in coastal tourism destinations: A multi-objective optimization approachLi, P, X Xiao, E Seekamp2022Tourism ManagementDecision support tools, Cultural resource management, Historic preservationSee Project Page
High-discharge disturbance does not alter the seasonal trajectory of nutrient uptake in a montane streamBalik, JA, DC West, BW Taylor 2021Springer LinkNutrient uptake, Floods, SeasonalityGlobal Change Fellows Program
Cape Romain Partnership for Coastal ProtectionEaton, MJ, FA Johnson, J Mikels-Carrasco, DJ Case, J Martin, B Stith, S Yurek, B Udell, L Villegas, L Taylor, Z Haider, H Charkhgard, C Kwon2021USGS Open-File ReportAdaptive management, CoproductionSee Project Page
Addressing the challenges of climate-driven community-led resettlement and site expansion: knowledge sharing, storytelling, healing, and collaborative coalition buildingMaldonado, J, IFC Wang, F Eningowuk, L Iaukea, A Lascurain, H Lazrus, Chief A Naquin, JR Naquin, KM Nogueras-Vidal, K Peterson, I Rivera-Collazo, MK Souza, M Stege, B Thomas 2021Journal of Environmental Studies and SciencesCommunity relocation, Adaptive response
Cultural Cognition and Ideological Framing Influence Communication About Zoonotic Disease in the Era of COVID-19Beall, JM, WR Casola, MN Peterson, LR Larson, WA Carr, E Seekamp, KT Stevenson, SB Jackson2021Frontiers in CommunicationScience communication, Zoonotic diseaseSee Project Page
Robust projections of future fire probability for the conterminous United StatesGao, P, AJ Terando, JA Kupfer, JM Varner, MC Stambaugh, TL Lei, JK Hiers2021Science of The Total EnvironmentPyrome analogs, Fire regime, Fire riskSee Project Page
Savannas are not old fields: functional trajectories of forest expansion in a fire‐suppressed Brazilian savanna are driven by habitat generalistsFlake, SW, RCR Abreu, G Durigan, WA Hoffmann2021Functional Ecologysavanna–forest transition, fire suppressionGlobal Change Fellows Program
Linking demographic rates to local environmental conditions: Empirical data to support climate adaptation strategies for Eleutherodactylus frogsRivera-Burgos, AC, JA Collazo, AJ Terando, K Pacifici2021Global Ecology and ConservationEleutherodactylus, Abundance, ReproductionSee Project Page
Science Needs of Southeastern Grassland Species of Conservation Concern: A Framework for Species Status AssessmentsNoss, RF, JMCartwright, D Estes, T Witsell, KG Elliott, DS Adams, MA Albrecht, R Boyles, PJ Comer, C Doffitt, D Faber-Langdoen, JG Hill, WC Hunter, WM Knapp, M Marshall, M Pyne, JR Singhurst, C Tracey, JL Walck, A Weakley2021U.S. Geological Survey Open-File ReportConservation, Species Status AssessmentsSee Project Page
SECAS FUTURES: Structuring Governance to Achieve Landscape-scale Conservation OutcomesJohnson, S, A Wearn, N Peterson, K Jewell, R Teseneer, W Carr, M Martin2021secassoutheast.orgLandscape Conservation, Stakeholder EngagementSee Project Page, Global Change Fellows Program
Dams and Climate Interact to Alter River Flow Regimes Across the United StatesChalise, DR, A Sankarasubramanian, A Ruhi2021AGU Earth's Futureflow regime, hydroclimateGlobal Change Fellows Program
Projecting changes in extreme rainfall from three tropical cyclones using the design-rainfall approachJalowska, AM, TL Spero, JH Bowden 2021npj Climate and Atmospheric Scienceextreme precipitation, tropical cyclones
Human health risks of invasive caterpillars increase with urban warmingBacke, K, J Rousselet, A Bernard, S Frank, A Roques2021Landscape Ecologyurban warming, phenologySee Project Page
Tropicalization of temperate ecosystems in North America: The northward range expansion of tropical organisms in response to warming winter temperaturesOsland, MJ, PW Stevens, MM Lamont, RC Brusca, KM Hart, JH Waddle, CA Langtimm, CM Williams, BD Keim, AJ Terando, EA Reyier, KE Marshall, ME Loik, RE Boucek, AB Lewis, JA Seminoff2021Global Change Biologyextreme cold events, range expansion, tropicalizationSee Project Page
Forecasting for intended consequencesMozelewski, TG, RM Scheller2021Conservation Science and Practiceconservation, forecasting, landscape managementGlobal Change Fellows Program
Effects of chronic and acute stressors on transplanted black mangrove (Avicennia germinans) seedlings along an eroding Louisiana shorelineMacy, A, MJ Osland, JA Cherry, J Cebrian2021Restoration Ecologyecotone, marsh, wetlandSee Project Page
Integrated hierarchical models to inform management of transitional habitat and the recovery of a habitat specialistEaton, MJ, DR Breininger, JD Nichols, PL Fackler, S McGee, M Smurl, D DeMeyer, J Baker, MB Zondervan2021EcosphereEcosphere
Modeling structural mechanics of oyster reef self-organization including environmental constraints and community interactionsYurek, S, MJ Eaton, R Lavaud, RW Laney, DL DeAngelis, WE Pine III, ML Peyre, J Martin, P Frederick, H Wang, MR Lowe, F Johnson, EV Camp, R Mordecai2021Ecological ModellingSelf-organization, Living shorelines, RestorationSee Project Page
Indigenous Conservation Practices Are Not a Monolith: Western cultural biases and a lack of engagement with Indigenous experts undermine studies of land stewardshipLeonard K, JD Aldern, A Cardinal Christianson, D Ranco, C Thornbrugh, PA Loring, MR Coughlan, P Jones, J Mancini, D May, F Moola, G Williamson, CR Stoof2020EcoEvoRxivIndigenous knowledge, fire science, archaeological analysis
Lack of phenological shift leads to increased camouflage mismatch in mountain haresZimova, M, ST Giery, S Newey, JJ Nowak, M Spencer, LS Mills2020Proceedings of the Royal Society Bphenological mismatch, phenotypic plasticityGlobal Change Fellows Program
Simulation of Water Availability in the Southeastern United States for Historical and Potential Future Climate and Land-Cover ConditionsLaFontaine, JH, RM Hart, LE Hay, WH Farmer, AR Bock, RJ Viger, SL Markstrom, RS Regan, JM Driscoll2019USGS Scientific Investigations Report Hydrologic Simulations, Streamflow, Water Availability
A Bayesian Dirichlet process community occupancy model to estimate community structure and species similaritySollmann, R, MJ Eaton, WA Link, P Mulondo, S Ayebare, S Prinsloo, AJ Plumptre, DS Johnson2020Ecological Applicationsbird point‐counts, clustering, community occupancy modelSee Project Page
Changes in Ecosystem Nitrogen and Carbon Allocation with Black Mangrove (Avicennia germinans) Encroachment into Spartina alterniflora Salt MarshMacy, A, MJ Osland, JA Cherry, J Cebrian 2020Springer Linkmangrove forests, mangrove encroachment, salt marshGlobal Change Fellows Program
Developing the hydrological dependency structure between streamgage and reservoir networksMukhopadhyay, S, A Sankarasubramanian, C Awasthi 2020Scientific Datahydrologic extremes, network connectivity, water reservoir See Project Page
Host Overwintering Phenology and Climate Change Influence the Establishment of Tetrastichus planipennisi Yang (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae), a Larval Parasitoid Introduced for Biocontrol of the Emerald Ash BorerGould, JR, ML Warden, BH Slager, TC Murphy2020Journal of Economic Entomologybiological control, emerald ash borer, overwinteringGlobal Change Fellows Program
Visually Communicating Future Climate in a Web EnvironmentDavis, C, H Aldridge, R Boyles, KS McNeal, L Maudlin, R Atkins2020Weather, Climate, and SocietyClimate change, Communications/decision making, EducationSee Project Page
Is there a dry season in the Southeast US?Terando, A, JK Hiers, M Williams, SL Goodrick, JJ O’Brien2020Global Change Biologydry season, cumulative rainfall anomalies, southeastSee Project Page
Review of the direct and indirect effects of warming and drought on scale insect pests of forest systemsFrank, SD2020Forestry: An International Journal of Forest ResearchScale insects, population dynamics, urban forests See Project Page
High‐resolution dynamically downscaled rainfall and temperature projections for ecological life zones within Puerto Rico and for the US Virgin IslandsBowden, JH, AJ Terando, V Misra, A Wootten, A Bhardwaj, R Boyles, W Gould, JA Collazo, TL Spero2020International Journal of ClimatologyRegional climate modeling, Puerto Rico, USVI
Historic preservation priorities for climate adaptationSeekamp, E, S Fatorić, A McCreary2020Ocean & Coastal ManagementDecision-making, Prioritization, Cultural heritage managementSee Project Page
Building adaptive capacity in a coastal region experiencing global changeJohnson, FA, MJ Eaton, J Mikels-Carrasco, D Case2020Ecology and Society adaptive capacity, coproduction, scenario planningSee Project Page
Conservation and Restoration Priorities for Water PurificationWarnell, K2020Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutionsecosystem services, water purification, natural land coverSee Project Page
Preserving connectivity under climate and land-use change: No one-size-fits-all approach for focal species in similar habitatsCostanza, JK, J Watling, R Sutherland, C Belyea, B Dilkina, H Cayton, D Bucklin, SS Romañach, NM Haddad2020Biological ConservationClimate refugia, Corridor, Land-use changeSee Project Page
Frequency of extreme freeze events controls the distribution and structure of black mangroves (Avicennia germinans ) near their northern range limit in coastal LouisianaOsland, MJ, RH Day, TC Michot2020Diversity and DistributionsAvicennia germinans, black mangrove, coastal wetlandGlobal Change Fellows Program
Snow-mediated plasticity does not prevent camouflage mismatchKumar, AV, M Zimova, JR Sparks, LS Mills2020Oecologia adaptive rescue, phenotypic plasticity, behavioral plasticitySee Project Page
Natural and Working Lands in North Carolina – Data and Methods GuideWarnell, K2020Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutionsspatial datasets, carbon sequestration, reforestation
Using Information From Global Climate Models to Inform Policymaking—The Role of the U.S. Geological SurveyTerando, A, D Reidmiller, SW Hostetler, JS Littell, TD Beard Jr., SR Weiskopf, J Belnap, GS Plumlee2020U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Reportrisk management, global climate models, adaptive managementSee Project Page
Climate change projected to reduce prescribed burning opportunities in the south-eastern United StatesKupfer, JA, AJ Terando, P Gao, C Teske, JK Hiers2020International Journal of Wildland Firecoastal plain, piedmont, managed fire regimesSee Project Page
Using Random Forest Algorithm to Model Cold Stunning Events in Sea Turtles in North CarolinaNiemuth, JN, CC Ransom, SA Finn, MH Godfrey, SAC Nelson, MK Stoskopf2020Journal of Fish and Wildlife Managementgreen sea turtle, Kemp’s ridley sea turtle, loggerhead sea turtle
Do empirical observations support commonly-held climate change range shift hypotheses? A systematic review protocolRubenstein, MA, SR Weiskopf, SL Carter, MJ Eaton, C Johnson, AJ Lynch, BW Miller, TL Morelli, MA Rodriguez, A Terando, LM Thompson2020Environmental Evidencespecies redistribution, distribution shiftGlobal Change Fellows Program
Forecasting water demand across a rapidly urbanizing regionSanchez, GM, A Terando, JW Smith, AM García, CR Wagner, RK Meentemeyer2020Science of The Total Environmentintegrated modeling, urban water demand
A Social–Ecological Odyssey in Fisheries and Wildlife ManagementCarlson, AK, WW Taylor, MR Cronin, MJ Eaton, LE Eckert, MA Kaemingk, AJ Reid, A Trudeau2020Fisheriesfisheries management, conservationSee Project Page
Expert-informed habitat suitability analysis for at-risk species assessment and conservation planningCrawford, BA, JC Maerz, CT Moore2020Journal of Fish and Wildlife Managementlongleaf pine, habitat suitability modelsGlobal Change Fellows Program
FiCli, the Fish and Climate Change Database, informs climate adaptation and management for freshwater fishesKrabbenhoft, TJ, BJE Myers, JP Wong, C Chu, RW Tingley III, JA Falke, TJ Kwak, CP Paukert, AJ Lynch 2020Scientific Datafreshwater fish, adaptation planningGlobal Change Fellows Program
Using remote cameras to measure seasonal moltsZimova, M, LS Barnard, BM Davis, AV Kumar, DJR Lafferty, LS Mills2020Ecospherecolor molting mammals, molt classification, phenologySee Project Page
Testing ecosystem accounting in the United States: A case study for the SoutheastWarnell, KJD, M Russell, C Rhodes, KJ Bagstad, LP Olander, DJ Nowak, R Poudel, PD Glynn, JL Hass, S Hirabayashi, JC Ingram, J Matuszak, KLL Oleson, SM Posner, F Villa2020Ecosystem ServicesExperimental ecosystem accounting, System of environmental-economic accountsSee Project Page, See Project Page
Can Cities Activate Sleeper Species and Predict Future Forest Pests? A Case Study of Scale InsectsFrank, SD, MG Just2020Insectsglobal change, latent invasive species, urbanSee Project Page
Spatial conservation planning under uncertainty using modern portfolio theory and Nash bargaining solutionSierra-Altamiranda, A, H Charkhgard, M Eaton, J Martin, S Yurek, BJ Udell2020Ecological ModellingSpatial conservation planning, Modern portfolio theory, OptimizationSee Project Page
Estimating population persistence for at-risk species using citizen science dataCrawford, BA, MJ Olds, JC Maerz, CT Moore2020Biological ConservationBayesian inference, Conservation planning, Endangered species listing decisionsSee Project Page
Local sea level rise information sheets for Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and FloridaChivoiu, B, MJ Osland, RC Collini, S Martin, JM Tirpak, B Wilson2020USGSfederally managed lands, sea level riseGlobal Change Fellows Program
The role of multiple stressors in a dwarf red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle) diebackRossi, RE, SK Archer, C Giri, CA Layman2020Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Sciencedrought, herbivory, hurricaneSee Project Page
Risk of bird predation and defoliating insect abundance are greater in urban forest fragments than street treesLong, LC, SD Frank2020Urban Ecosystemsforest fragments, urban birds, defoliatorsSee Project Page
Thermal Tolerance of Gloomy Scale (Hemiptera: Diaspididae) in the Eastern United StatesJust, MG, SD Frank2020Environmental EntomologyAcer rubrum, cold tolerance, range limitsGlobal Change Fellows Program
Website Usability Differences between Males and Females: An Eye-Tracking Evaluation of a Climate Decision Support SystemMaudlin, LC, KS McNeal, HD Aldridge, C Davis, R Boyles, RM Atkins2020Weather, Climate, and SocietyDecision making, communications, eye-tracking technologySee Project Page, Global Change Fellows Program
Hydrologic modeling for flow-ecology science in the Southeastern United States and Puerto RicoCaldwell, PV, JG Kennen, EF Hain, SAC Nelson, G Sun, SG McNulty2020USDAEcological flows, fish species richness, flow alterationGlobal Change Fellows Program
Effects of native and exotic congeners on diversity of invertebrate natural enemies, available spider biomass, and pest control services in residential landscapesParsons, SE, LM Kerner, SD Frank2020Biodiversity and Conservationcongeners, diversityGlobal Change Fellows Program
Reaching Underserved Populations through a Fisheries Education ProgramClark, K, D Pender, MN Peterson, K Stevenson, D Lawson, R Szczytko2019Fisheriesfisheries education, environmental literacySee Project Page
Agricultural Best Management Practice Sensitivity to Changing Air Temperature and PrecipitationSchmidt, ML, S Sarkar, JB Butcher, TE Johnson, SH Julius2019American Society of Agricultural and Biological EngineersAgricultural management, Best management practices, Conservation tillageSee Project Page
Local climate determines vulnerability to camouflage mismatch in snowshoe haresZimova, M, APK Sirén, JJ Nowak, AM Bryan, JS Ivan, TL Morelli, SL Suhrer, J Whittington, LS Mills2019Global Ecology and Biogeographyadaptation, latitudinal gradient, phenological mismatchGlobal Change Fellows Program
Natural and anthropogenic-induced changes in a tidal inlet: Morphological evolution of Oregon InletVelasquez-Montoya, L, MF Overton, EJ Sciaudone2020GeomorphologyNearshore processes, Coastal morphodynamics, Numerical modeling, DredgingGlobal Change Fellows Program
Urbanization drives unique latitudinal patterns of insect herbivory and tree conditionJust, MG, LC Long, AG Dale, SD Frank2019Oikosurban tree health, herbivore abundanceGlobal Change Fellows Program, See Project Page
Climatic Controls on the Distribution of Foundation Plant Species in Coastal Wetlands of the Conterminous United States: Knowledge Gaps and Emerging Research NeedsOsland, MJ, JB Grace, GR Guntenspergen, KM Thorne, JA Carr, LC Feher2019Estuaries and Coastsfoundation species, salt marsh, mangrove forestSee Project Page
Drought in the U.S. Caribbean: Impacts to freshwater ecosystemsMyers, B2019USGSdrought, freshwater ecosystemsGlobal Change Fellows Program
Temperature thresholds for black mangrove (Avicennia germinans) freeze damage, mortality, and recovery in North America: refining tipping points for range expansion in a warming climateOsland, M.J., RH Day, CT Hall, LC Feher, AR Armitage, J Cebrian, KH Dunton, AR Hughes, DA Kaplan, AK Langston, A Macy, CA Weaver, GH Anderson, K Cummins, IC Feller, CM Snyder2019British Ecological Societyplant-climate interactions, tipping point, range expansionSee Project Page
Integrating Econometric Models of Land Use Change with Models of Ecosystem Services and Landscape Simulations to Guide Coastal Management and Planning for Flood ControlVillegas, L2019Environment for Developmentland use change, econometric model, urbanizationGlobal Change Fellows Program
The individual and combined effects of snowmelt timing and frost exposure on the reproductive success of montane forbsPardee, GL, IO Jensen, DW Inouye, RE Irwin2019Journal of Ecologyfrost, phenology, snowmelt timingGlobal Change Fellows Program
Perspective: Developing Flow Policies to Balance the Water Needs of Humans and Wetlands Requires a Landscape Scale Approach Inclusive of Future Scenarios and Multiple TimescalesMurry, B, J Bowden, B Branof, M García-Bermúdez, BA Middleton, JR Ortiz-Zayas, C Restrepo, A Terando2019WetlandsEnvironmental flows, Inter-basin water transfer, Time scales
Spatial conservation planning under uncertainty: adapting to climate change risks using modern portfolio theoryEaton, MJ, S Yurek, Z Haider, J Martin, FA Johnson, BJ Udell, H Charkhgard, C Kwon2019Ecological ApplicationsModern Portfolio Theory, landscape changeSee Project Page
Butterfly abundance declines over 20 years of systematic monitoring in Ohio, USAWepprich, T, JR Adrion, L Ries, J Wiedmann, NM Haddad2019PLOS Onesystematic insect monitoring, citizen science Global Change Fellows Program
Optimizing historic preservation under climate change: Decision support for cultural resource adaptation planning in national parksXiao, X, E Seekamp, M Post van der Burg, M Eaton, S Fatorić, A McCreary2019Land Use PolicyHistoric preservation, Optimization modelSee Project Page
Optimizing Historical Preservation Under Climate Change—An Overview of the Optimal Preservation Model and Pilot Testing at Cape Lookout National SeashoreSeekamp, E, M Post van der Burg, S Fatorić, M Eaton, X Xiao, A McCreary2019USGS Open-File ReportOptimal Preservation Model, Protecting cultural resourcesSee Project Page
Forecasting and control of emerging infectious forest disease through participatory modellingGaydos, DA, A Petrasova , RC Cobb, RK Meentemeyer2019Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society Binfectious forest disease, participatory modellingGlobal Change Fellows Program
Children can foster climate change concern among their parentsLawson, DF, KT Stevenson, N Peterson, SJ Carrier, RL Strnad, E Seekamp 2019Nature Climate Changeintergenerational learning, climate change concernGlobal Change Fellows Program
Implementation of an occupancy-based monitoring protocol for a widespread and cryptic species, the New England cottontail (Sylvilagus transitionalis)Shea, CP, MJ Eaton, DI MacKenzie2019Wildlife Researchspecies distribution models, Sylvilagus transitionalis
Influences on coastal tourism demand and substitution behaviors from climate change impacts and hazard recovery responsesSeekamp, E, M Jurjonas, K Bitsura-Meszaros2019Journal of Sustainable Tourismcoastal impacts, coastal tourismGlobal Change Fellows Program
Urban forest fragments buffer trees from warming and pestsLong, LC, V D'Amico, SD Frank2019Science of the Total Environmentforest fragments, urban heat island effectGlobal Change Fellows Program, See Project Page
Designing a Protected Area to Safeguard Imperiled Species from UrbanizationRomañach, SS, B Stith, FA Johnson2018Journal of Fish and Wildlife Managementendandered, land acquisition, optimizationGlobal Change Fellows Program
Coastal wetland adaptation to sea level rise: Quantifying potential for landward migration and coastal squeezeBorchert, SM, MJ Osland, NM Enwright, KT Griffith2018Journal of Applied Ecologycoastal wetlands, wetland migration, mangrovesGlobal Change Fellows Program
Exploring Differences Among Student Populations During Climate Graph Reading Tasks: An Eye Tracking StudyAtkins, RM, KS McNeal2018Journal of Astronomy and Earth Sciences EducationGeocognition, Eye-TrackingSee Project Page,
See Project Page,
See Project Page
US Energy-Related Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the Absence of Federal Climate PolicyEshraghi, H, RQ Anderson, JF DeCarolis2018Environmental Science and Technologygreenhouse gas emissions, model analysisSee Project Page
Predicting development preferences for fishing sites among diverse anglersValdez, RX, MD Drake, CR Burke, MN Peterson, C Serenari, A Howell2018Urban Ecosystemslandscape design, anglers
Evaluating climate change behaviors and concern in the family contextLawson, DF, KT Stevenson, MN Peterson, SJ Carrier, E Seekamp, R Strnad2019Environmental Education ResearchEnvironmental behaviors, family contextGlobal Change Fellows Program
Evaluating natural resource planning for longleaf pine ecosystems in the Southeast United StatesFoster M, MN Peterson, F Cubbage, G McMahon2019Forest Policy and Economicslongleaf pine; plan evaluationSee Project Page
Contemporary climatic analogs for 540 North American urban areas in the late 21st centuryFitzpatrick, MA, RR Dunn2019Nature Communicationsclimate analog mapping; climate changeSee Project Page
Partitioning global change: Assessing the relative importance of changes in climate and land cover for changes in avian distributionClement, MJ, JD Nichols, JA Collazo, AJ Terando, JE Hines, SG Williams2019Ecology and Evolutionland use; birdsGlobal Change Fellows Program
Landscape Connectivity Planning for Adaptation to Future Climate and Land-Use ChangeCostanza, JK, AJ Terando2019Current Landscape Ecology Reportsland use; climate changeGlobal Change Fellows Program
Marsh bird occupancy along the shoreline‐to‐forest gradient as marshes migrate from rising sea levelTaillie, PJ, CE Moorman2019Ecospherecoastal wetland; marsh migrationGlobal Change Fellows Program
Variation in photosynthesis and stomatal conductance among red maple (Acer rubrum) urban planted cultivars and wildtype trees in the southeastern United StatesLahr, EC, RR Dunn, SD Frank2018PLOS Oneurban ecology; photosynthesisSee Project Page
Urban plants and climate drive unique arthropod interactions with unpredictable consequencesDale, AG, SD Frank2018Current Opinion in Insect
urban ecology; arthropodSee Project Page
Multivariate bias corrections of mechanistic water quality model predictionsLibera, DA, A Sankarasubramanian2018Journal of HydrologyMechanistic Modeling; Multivariate Bias-Correction; Water Quality ForecastingGlobal Change Fellows Program
A non-parametric bootstrapping framework embedded in a toolkit for assessing water quality model performance.Libera, DA, A Sankarasubramanian, A Sharma, BJ Reich2018Environmental Modelling & SoftwareMechanistic Modeling; Water Quality ForecastingGlobal Change Fellows Program
The Relative Influence of Storm and Landscape Characteristics on Shallow Groundwater Responses in Forested Headwater CatchmentsSingh NK, RE Emanuel, F Nippgen, BL McGlynn, CF Miniat2018Water Resources Researchforested catchment; runoff generationGlobal Change Fellows Program
Assessment of hydrologic vulnerability to urbanization and climate change in a rapidly changing watershed in the Southeast U.S.Suttles, KM, NK Singh, JM Vose, KL Martin, RE Emanuel, JW Coulston, SM Saia, MT Crump2018Science of The Total Environmenthydrologic vulnerability; urbanizationGlobal Change Fellows Program
Intergenerational learning: Are children key in spurring climate action?Lawson, DF, KT Stevenson, MN Peterson, SJ Carrier, R Strnad, E Seekamp2018Global Environmental Changechildren; reflexive modernizationGlobal Change Fellows Program
Sea level rise impacts on rural coastal social-ecological systems and the implications for decision makingBhattachan, A, MD Jurjonas, AC Moody, PR Morris, GM Sanchez, LS Smart, PJ Taillie, RE Emanuel, EL Seekamp2018Environmental Science and Policyclimate adaptation; risk perceptionsGlobal Change Fellows Program
Mangrove forests in a rapidly changing world: Global change impacts and conservation opportunities along the Gulf of Mexico coastOsland, MJ, LC Feher, J López-Portillo, RH Day, DO Suman, JM Guzmán Menéndez, VH Rivera-Monroy2018Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Sciencecoastal wetland; Gulf of MexicoSee Project Page
Toward a Resilience-Based Conservation Strategy for Wetlands in Puerto Rico: Meeting Challenges Posed by Environmental ChangeCollazo, JA, AJ Terando, AC Engman, PF Fackler, TJ Kwak2018Wetlandsadaptation strategies; decision modelsSee Project Page
Evaluating Climate Change Planning for Longleaf Pine Ecosystems in the Southeast United StatesClark, KE, E Chin, MN Peterson, K Lackstrom, K Dow, M Foster, F Cubbage2018Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencieslongleaf pine; policySee Project Page
Downscaling future climate change projections over Puerto Rico using a non-hydrostatic atmospheric modelBhardwaj, AV, A Misra, A Mishra, A Wootten, R Boyles, JH Bowden, AJ Terando2018Climatic Changedownscaling; global climate models; CaribbeanSee Project Page
Getting ahead of the curve: cities as surrogates for global changeLahr EC, RR Dunn, SD Frank 2018Proceedings of the Royal Society Bglobal change; citySee Project Page, See Project Page
Impervious surface thresholds for urban tree site selectionJust, ME, SD Frank, AG Dale2018Urban Forestry and Urban Greeningurban heat island; red mapleSee Project Page
Interacting and non-linear avian responses to mixed-severity wildfire and time since fireTaillie, PJ, RD Burnett, LJ Roberts, BR Campos, MN Peterson, and CE Moorman2018Ecospherefire; avian biodiversityGlobal Change Fellows Program
High interspecific variation in nutrient excretion within a guild of closely related caddisfly speciesBalik, JA, BW Taylor, SE Washko, SA Wissinger2018Ecospheremacroinvertebrates; ecological redundancyGlobal Change Fellows Program
Ecology of sleeping: the microbial and arthropod associates of chimpanzee bedsThoemmes, MS, FA Stewart, RA Hernandez-Aguilar, MA Bertone, DA Baltzegar, RJ Borski, N Cohen, KP Coyle, AK Piel, RR Dunn2018Royal Society Open Sciencemicrobiome; built environmentGlobal Change Fellows Program
Function and underlying mechanisms of
seasonal colour moulting in mammals and
birds: what keeps them changing in a warming
Zimova, M, K Hacklander, JM Good, J Melo-Ferreira, PC Alves, LS Mills2018Biological Reviewscoat colour moult; phenotypic mismatchGlobal Change Fellows Program
How communication with teachers, family and friends contributes to predicting climate change behaviour among adolescentsValdez, RX, MN Peterson, KT Stevenson 2018Environmental Conservationclimate change education; climate communicationGlobal Change Fellows Program
Dynamic minimum set problem for reserve design: Heuristic solutions for large problemsBonneau, M, R Sabbadin, FA Johnson, B Stith2018PLoS ONEdynamic reserve design; heuristic strategiesSee Project Page, See Project Page
Role of Pacific SSTs in improving reconstructed streamflow over the coterminous USMukhopadhyay, S, JM Patskoski, A Sankarasubramanian2018Scientific Reportshydrology; paleoclimateGlobal Change Fellows Program
Water availability influences arthropod water demand, hydration and community composition on urban treesMcCluney, KE, T George, SD Frank2018Journal of Urban Ecologyanimal water balance; food web dynamicsSee Project Page, See Project Page
Spatial patterns of development drive water useSanchez, GM, JW Smith, A Terando, G Sun, RK Meentemeyer2018Water Resources Researchspatial pattern of development; water and land planningGlobal Change Fellows Program
Water availability drives urban tree growth responses to herbivory and warmingMeineke, EM, SD Frank2018Journal of Applied Ecologyherbivory; urban heat island; water relationsSee Project Page, See Project Page, See Project Page
Microspatial ecotone dynamics at a shifting range limit: plant–soil variation across salt marsh–mangrove interfacesYando, ES, MJ Osland, MW Hester2018Oecologiacoastal wetland; expansion dynamicsSee Project Page
Winter color polymorphisms identify global hot spots for evolutionary rescue from climate changeMills, LS, EV Bragina, AV Kumar, M Zimova, DJR Lafferty, J Feltner, BM Davis, K Hackländer, PC Alves, JM Good, J Melo-Ferreira, A Dietz, AV Abramov, N Lopatina, K Fay2018Sciencecoat-changing animals; evolutionary rescueGlobal Change Fellows Program
Variable responses of non-native and native ants to coarse woody debris removal following forest bioenergy harvestsGrodsky, SM, JW Campbell, SR Fritts, TB Wigley, CE Moorman2018Forest Ecology and Managementwoody biomass harvesting; coarse woody debris; antsGlobal Change Fellows Program
Observation and modeling of the evolution of an ephemeral storm-induced inlet: Pea Island Breach, North Carolina, USAVelasquez Montoya, L, EJ Sciaudone, H Mitasova, MF Overton2018Continental Shelf Researchcoastal morphodynamics; barrier island breachingGlobal Change Fellows Program
Beach Management Practices and Occupation Dynamics: An Agent-Based Modeling Study for the Coastal Town of Nags Head, NC, USAKaranci A, L Velásquez-Montoya, JF Paniagua-Arroyave, PN Adams, MF Overton2018Beach Management Tools - Concepts, Methodologies and Case Studies, Coastal Research Library, vol 24. Springer, Chamcoupled human-physical systems; beach managementGlobal Change Fellows Program
Direct and indirect effects of episodic frost on plant growth and reproduction in subalpine wildflowersPardee GL, DW Inouye, RE Irwin2017Global Change Biologyphenology; plant pollinatorSee Project Page
Wild bee abundance declines with urban warming, regardless of floral densityHamblin, AL, E Youngsteadt, SD Frank2018Urban Ecosystemsurban warming; wild beesGlobal Change Fellows Program
Homogenizing an urban habitat mosaic: arthropod diversity declines in New York City parks after Super Storm SandySavage, AM, E Youngsteadt, AF Ernst, SA Powers, RR Dunn, SD Frank2017Ecological Applicationsdisturbance adapted; extreme weather; diversitySee Project Page
Rural coastal community resilience: Assessing a framework in eastern North CarolinaJurjonas, M, E Seekamp2018Ocean & Coastal Managementadaptive capacity; sea level rise
Variation in arthropod hydration across US cities with distinct climateMcCluney, KE, J. Burdine, SD Frank2017Journal of Urban Ecologyimpervious surface; homogenizationSee Project Page
Invertebrate community response to coarse woody debris removal for bioenergy production from intensively managed forestsGrodsky, SM, CE Moorman, SR Fritts, JW Campbell, CE Sorenson, MA Bertone, SB Castleberry, TB Wigley2017Ecological Applicationsbioenergy; coarse woody debris; invertebratesGlobal Change Fellows Program
Hydrology and microtopography control carbon dynamics in wetlands: Implications in partitioning ecosystem respiration in a coastal plain forested wetlandMiao, G, A Noormets, J-C Domec, M Fuentes, CC Tretting, G Sun, S McNulty, JS King2017Agricultural and Forest Meteorologyforested wetland; hydrology; eddy covariance fluxGlobal Change Fellows Program
Using regional scale flow-ecology modeling to identify catchments where fish assemblages are most vulnerable to changes in water availabilityHain, EF, JG Kennen, PV Caldwell, SAC Nelson, G Sun, SG McNulty2017Freshwater Biologyfish species richness; flow-ecology modelsSee Project Page
Securing the Future of Cultural Heritage by Identifying Barriers to and Strategizing Solutions for Preservation under Changing Climate ConditionsFatorić, S, E Seekamp2017Sustainabilityneeds assessment; climate change adaptationSee Project Page
A measurement framework to increase transparency in historic preservation decision-making under changing climate conditionsFatorić, S, E Seekamp2018Journal of Cultural Heritagecultural resource management; prioritization; significanceSee Project Page
Linear and nonlinear effects of temperature and precipitation on ecosystem properties in tidal saline wetlandsFeher, LC, MJ Osland, KT Griffith, JB Grace, RJ Howard, CL Stagg, NM Enwright, KW Krauss, CA Gabler, RH Day, K Rogers2017Ecosphereclimatic drivers; mangrove forest; salt marshSee Project PageG43
Ad hoc instrumentation methods in ecological studies produce highly biased temperature measurementsTerando AJ, E Youngsteadt, EK Meineke, SG Prado2017Ecology and Evolutionair temperature; sensor bias
Invasibility of a fire-maintained savanna–wetland gradient by non-native, woody plant speciesJust MG, MG Hohmann, WA Hoffmann2017Forest Ecology and Managementwoody invasives; prescribed fire; longleaf pineGlobal Change Fellows Program
Evaluating a decision analytic approach to climate change adaptation of cultural resources along the Atlantic Coast of the United StatesFatorić, S, E Seekamp2017Land Use Policycultural heritage, structured decision making, climate adaptationSee Project Page
Grand challenges for integrated USGS science—A workshop reportJenni, KE, MB Goldhaber, JL Betancourt, JS Baron, RS Bristol, M Cantrill, PE Exter, MJ Focazio, JW Haines, LE Hay, L Hsu, VF Labson, KD Lafferty, KA Ludwig, PC Milly, TL Morelli, SA Morman, NT Nassar, TR Newman, AC Ostroff, JS Read, SC Reed, CD Shapiro, RA Smith, WE Sanford, TL Sohl, EG Stets, AJ Terando, DE Tillitt, MA Tischler, PL Toccalino, DJ Wald, MP Waldrop, A Wein, JF Weltzin, C Zimmerman2017USGS Open-File Reportgrand challenge
Foundations of translational ecologyEnquist, CAF, ST Jackson, GM Garfin, FW Davis, LR Gerber, JA Littell, JL Tank, AJ Terando, TU Wall, B Halpern, JK Hiers, TLyn Morelli, E McNie, NL Stephenson, MA Williamson, CA Woodhouse, L Yung, MW Brunso, KR Hall, LM Hallett, DM Lawson, MA Moritz, K Nydick, A Pairis, AJ Ray, C Regan, HD Safford, MW Schwartz, MR Shaw2017Frontiers in Ecology and the Environmentknowledge co-production
Balancing research and service to decision makersLittell, JS, AJ Terando, TL Morelli2017Frontiers in Ecology and the Environmentstakeholder; communication
Developing a translational ecology workforceSchwartz, MW, JK Hiers, FW Davis, GM Garfin, ST Jackson, AJ Terando, CA Woodhouse, T Morelli, MA Williamson, MW Brunson 2017Frontiers in Ecology and the Environmentinterdisciplinary skills; decision making
Physiological thermal limits predict differential responses of bees to urban heat-island effectsHamblin, AL, E Youngsteadt, MM López-Uribe, SD Frank2017Biology Letterspollinators; urban warmingSee Project Page
Assessing Historical Significance and Use Potential of Buildings within Historic Districts: An Overview of a Measurement Framework Developed for Climate Adaptation PlanningFatorić, S, E Seekamp2017NC State Extension Publication AG-832cultural resource management; measurement frameworkSee Project Page
Climatic controls on the global distribution, abundance, and species richness of mangrove forestsOsland, MJ, LC Feher, KT Griffith, KC Cavanaugh, NM Enwright, RH Day, CL Stagg, KW Krauss, RJ Howard, JB Grace, K Rogers2017Ecological Monographsclimatic thresholds; mangrove forestsSee Project Page
Framing climate change communication to prompt individual and collective action among adolescents from agricultural communitiesStevenson, KT, TL King, KR Selm, MN Peterson, MC Monroe 2017Environmental Education
climate education; agriculture
Warming and drought combine to increase pest insect fitness on urban treesDale, AG, SD Frank2017PLoS ONEurban heat island; gloomy scale; drought stressSee Project Page
Are cultural heritage and resources threatened by climate change? A systematic literature reviewFatorić, S, E Seekamp2017Climatic Changecultural heritage; adaptation; state of knowledgeSee Project Page
Variation in arthropod hydration across US cities with distinct climateMcCluney, KE, JD Burdine, SD Frank2017Journal of Urban Ecologyurbanization; hydration; arthropodsSee Project Page
Fidelity of the Sr/Ca proxy in recording ocean temperature in the western Atlantic coral Siderastrea sidereaKuffner, IB, KE Roberts, JA Flannery, JM Morrison, JN Richey2017Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystemscoral skeletons; Sr/Ca; temperature proxySee Project Page
Changes in spider community composition are associated with urban temperature, not herbivore abundance Meineke, EK, AJ Holmquiest, GM Wimp, SD Frank2017Journal of Urban Ecologyurban heat island; spidersSee Project Page
Macroclimatic change expected to transform
coastal wetland ecosystems this century
Gabler, CA, MJ Osland, JB Grace, CL Stagg, DH Day, SB Hartley, NM Enwright, AS From, ML McCoy, JL McLeod2017Nature Climate Changecoastal wetlands; macroclimateSee Project Page
Achieving full connectivity of sites in the multiperiod reserve network design problemJafari, N, BL Nuse, CT Moore, B Dilkina, J Hepinstall-Cymerman2017Computer and Operations Researchconservation reserve design; integer programming modelSee Project Page
Mangrove expansion and contraction at a poleward range limit: climate extremes and land-ocean temperature gradientsOsland, MJ, RH Day, CT Hall, MD Brumfield, JL Dugas, WR Jones2017Ecologymangrove; range limitsSee Project Page
The physiology of mangrove trees with changing climateLovelock, CE, KW Krauss, MJ Osland, R Reef, MC Ball2016Tropical Tree Physiology: Adaptations and Responses in a Changing Environmentmangrove distribution; trait plasticitySee Project Page
Occupancy and Index of Abundance of Eleutherodactylus wightmanae and E. brittoni along Elevational Gradients in West-Central Puerto RicoMonroe, KD, JA Collazo, K Pacifici, BJ Reich, AR Puente-Rolón, AJ Terando2017Caribbean Naturalistamphibians; habitat covariates
Occupancy and Abundance of Eleutherodactylus Frogs in Coffee Plantations in Puerto RicoMonroe, KD, JA Collazo, K Pacifici, BJ Reich, AR Puente-Rolón, AJ Terando2017Herpetologicaacoustic surveys; habitat selection
Characterizing Sources of Uncertainty from Global Climate Models and Downscaling TechniquesWootten A, A Terando, B.J Reich, RP Boyles, F Semazzi2017Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatologyclimate models; ensemblesSee Project Page
Wood decay and the persistence of resprouting species in pyrophilic ecosystemsJust, MG, Schafer, JL, Hohmann, MG, Hoffmann, WA
2016TreesforestGlobal Change Fellows Program
Chapter 16. Uncertainty Quantification and Propagation for Projections of Extremes in Monthly Area Burned Under Climate ChangeAJ Terando, B Reich, K Pacifici, J Costanza, A McKerrow, JA Collazo2016Natural Hazard Uncertainty Assessment: Modeling and Decision Support, Wiley Presswildfire; uncertainty quantificationSee Project Page
Chapter 9: Application of Decision Science to Resilience Management in Jamaica BayEaton, M, AK Fuller, FA Johnson, MP Hare, RC Stedman2016Prospects for resilience: Insights from New York City's Jamaica Bay, Island Pressdecision science; resilience
Insular ecosystems of the southeastern United States—A regional synthesis to support biodiversity conservation in a changing climateCartwright, JM, WJ Wolfe2016USGS Professional Paperinsular ecosystems; biodiversity; synthesisSee Project Page
Assessing climate-sensitive ecosystems in the Southeastern United StatesCostanza, J, S Beck, M Pyne, A Terando, MJ Rubino, R White, J Collazo2016USGS Open-File Reportclimate-sensitive ecosystems; vulnerability assessmentSee Project Page
The influence of personal beliefs, friends, and family in building climate change concern among adolescentsStevenson, KT, MN Peterson, HD Bondell2016Environmental Education
climate literacy
How emotion trumps logic in climate change risk perception: Exploring the affective heuristic among wildlife science studentsStevenson, KT, MA Lashley, MC Chitwood, MN Peterson, CE Moorman2016Human Dimensions of Wildlifehuman dimensions; risk perception
Motivating Action through Fostering Climate Change Hope and Concern and Avoiding Despair among AdolescentsStevenson, KT, MN Peterson2016Sustainabilityclimate literacy; climate action
Responses of arthropod populations to warming depend on latitude: evidence from urban heat islandsYoungsteadt, E, AF Ernst, RR Dunn, SD Frank2016Global Change Biologyarthropods; urban heat island; thermal toleranceSee Project Page
Climate Change Implications for Tropical Islands: Interpolating and Interpreting Statistically Downscaled GCM Projections for Management and PlanningKhalyani, AH, WA Gould, E Harmsen, A Terando, M Quinones, JA Collazo2016Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatologydownscaled climate models; Caribbean
Breeding, early-successional bird response to forest harvests for bioenergyGrodsky, SM, CE Moorman, SR Fritts, SB Castleberry, TB Wigley2016PLoS ONEbioenergy; birdsGlobal Change Fellows Program
Winter bird use of harvest residues in clearcuts and the implications of forest bioenergy harvest in the southeastern United StatesGrodsky, SM, CE Moorman, SR Fritts, DW Hazel, JA Homyack, SB Castleberry, TB Wigley2016Forest Ecology and Managementbirds; forest bioenergyGlobal Change Fellows Program
Barriers to and opportunities for landward migration of coastal wetlands with sea-level riseEnwright, NM, KT Griffith, MJ Osland2016Frontiers in Ecology and the Environmentsea level rise; ecosystem migrationSee Project Page
Urban warming reduces aboveground
carbon storage
Meineke E, E Youngsteadt, RR Dunn, SD Frank2016Proceedings of the Royal Society Burbanization; forestsSee Project Page, See Project Page
The Department of the Interior Southeast Climate Science Center synthesis report 2011–15—Projects, products, and science prioritiesVarela Minder, E, AR Lascurain, G McMahon2016U.S. Geological Survey Open-File ReportSE CSC
Use of structured decision-making to explicitly incorporate environmental process understanding in management of coastal restoration projects: Case study on barrier islands of the northern Gulf of MexicoDalyander, PS, M Meyers, B Mattsson, G Steyer, E Godsey, J McDonald, M Byrnes, M Ford 2016Journal of Environmental Managementstructured decision-making; ecosystem restoration; barrier islandsSee Project Page
How Climate Change Beliefs among U.S. Teachers Do and Do Not Translate to StudentsStevenson, KT, MN Peterson, A Bradshaw2016PLoS ONEclimate science education
The Sensitivity of WRF downscaled precipitation in Puerto Rico to Cumulus
2 Parameterization and Interior Grid Nudging
Wootten, A, JH Bowden, R Boyles, A Terando2016Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatologyclimate projections; downscalingSee Project Page
Variability in isotopic composition of base flow in two headwater streams of the southern AppalachiansSingh, NK, RE Emanuel, BL McGlynn2016Water Resources Researchhydrology; topographyGlobal Change Fellows Program
An evaluation of 20th century climate for the Southeastern United States as simulated by Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5) global climate modelsRupp, D2016USGS Open-File ReportmodelingSee Project Page
Meta-analysis of Natural Resource Conservation Plan EvaluationsFoster, M, MN Peterson, F Cubbage, G McMahon2016Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agenciesconservation; natural resources; land useSee Project Page
Hydro-Climatological Influences on Long-Term Dissolved Organic Carbon in a Mountain Stream of the Southeastern United StatesSingh, NK , WM Reyes, ES Bernhardt, R Bhattacharya, JL Meyer, JD Knoepp, RE Emanuel2016Journal of Environmental QualityhydrologyGlobal Change Fellows Program
Forecasting the Effects of Heat and Pests on Urban Trees: Impervious Surface Thresholds and the 'Pace-to-Plant' TechniqueDale, AG, E Youngsteadt, SD
2016Arboriculture & Urban Forestrypests; urbanizationGlobal Change Fellows Program
High Fitness Costs of Climate Change Induced Camouflage MismatchZimova M, LS Mills, JJ Nowak2016Ecology Lettersphenology; snowGlobal Change Fellows Program
Salt marsh-mangrove ecotones: using structural gradients to investigate the effects of woody plant encroachment on plant-soil interactions and ecosystem carbon poolsYando, ES, MJ Osland, JM Willis, RH Day, KW Krauss, MW Hester 2016Journal of EcologymangroveSee Project Page
Where fire stops: vegetation structure and microclimate influence fire spread along an ecotonal gradientJust, MG, MG Hohmann, WA Hoffmann 2016Plant EcologyfireGlobal Change Fellows Program
The contribution of human foods to honey bee diets in a mid-sized metropolisPenick, CA, CA Crofton, RH Appler, SD Frank, RR Dunn, DR Tarpy 2016Journal of Urban Ecologybees; urbanizationSee Project Page
Aerosolization of a Human Norovirus Surrogate, Bacteriophage MS2, during Simulated VomitingTung-Thompson, G, DA Libera, KL Koch, FL de los Reyes III, LA Jaykus 2015PLOS Oneaerosols; human norovirusGlobal Change Fellows Program
Climate change and water resources in a tropical island system: propagation of uncertainty from statistically downscaled climate models to hydrologic modelsVan Beusekom, AE, WA Gould, AJ Terando, JA Collazo2015International Journal of Climatologyfuture water supply; statistical downscaling
Incorporating future change into current conservation planning: Evaluating tidal saline wetland migration along the U.S. Gulf of Mexico coast under alternative sea-level rise and urbanization scenariosEnwright, NM, KT Griffith, MJ Osland2015USGStidal saline wetlands; migrationSee Project Page
Direct evidence of swimming behavior demonstrates active dispersal in the sea turtle ‘lost years’Putman NF, KL Mansfield2015Current Biologysea turtles; animal dispersalGlobal Change Fellows Program
Sea-level rise modeling handbook: Resource guide for coastal land managersDoyle, TW, B Chivoiu, NM Enwright2015USGSsea-level riseSee Project Page
Life stage influences the resistance and resilience of black mangrove forests to winter climate extremesOsland, MJ, RH Day, AS From, ML McLemore, JL McLeod, J Kelleway2015EcospheremangrovesSee Project Page
A primer on the history of food web ecology: fundamental contributions of fourteen researchersLayman, CA, ST Giery, S Buhler, R Rossi, T Penland, MN Henson, AK Bogdanoff, MV Cove, AD Irizarry, CM Schalk, SK Archer2015Food Websfood websGlobal Change Fellows Program
US protected lands mismatch biodiversity prioritiesJenkins, CN, KS Van Houtan, SL Pimm, JO Sexton2015Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciencesbiodiversity
Epizootiology of cranial abscess disease in white-tailed deer of GeorgiaCohen, BS, EH Belser, CH Killmaster, JW Bowers, BJ Irwin, MJ Yabsley, KV Miller2015Journal of Wildlife Diseaseswhite-tailed deer; disease
Training Conservation Practitioners to be Better Decision MakersJohnson, FA, MJ Eaton, JH Williams, GH Jensen, J Madsen2015Sustainabilitydecision support; conservation
Intensified mollusk exploitation on Nevis (West Indies) reveals ~six centuries of sustainable exploitationPoteate, AS, Fitzpatrick, SM, Clark, M, Stone, JH2015Archaeological and Anthropological Sciencesmollusk; exploitationGlobal Change Fellows Program
Effects of processing time on blood and plasma samples from loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) for1H-NMR-based metabolomicsNiemuth, JN, CA Harms, MK Stoskopf2015Herpetological Conservation & Biologysea turtlesGlobal Change Fellows Program
Do growing degree days predict phenology across butterfly species?Cayton, HL, NM Haddad, K Gross, SE Diamond, L Ries2015Ecologybutterflies; phenology; temperatureSee Project Page
Global change and conservation triage on National Wildlife RefugesJohnson, FA, MJ Eaton, G McMahon, R Nilius, MR Bryant, DJ Case, J Martin, NJ Wood, L Taylor 2015Ecology and Societyadaptation planningSee Project Page
Evolution of the indoor biomeMartin, LJ, SM Hird, SO Kolokotronis, RF Medina, G Mhuireach, CS Moreau, J Munshi-South, LM Nichols, C Palmer, L Popova, C Schal, M Taubel, M Trautwein, JA Ugalde, RI Adams, D Hughes, A Bateman, SW Kembel, G Levy, C McClain, JF Meadow, HM Bik, K Kinney, J Hawks, RR Dunn2015TREEbiomeSee Project Page
Regional analysis of wind turbine-caused bat mortalityDrake, D, CS Jennelle, JN Lui, SM Grodsky, S Schumaker, M Sponsler2015Acta Chiropterologicabats; energyGlobal Change Fellows Program
Interpopulation variation in a condition-dependent signal: predation regime affects signal intensity and reliabilityGiery, ST, CA Layman2015The American NaturalistpredationGlobal Change Fellows Program
Linking state-and-transition simulation and timber supply models for forest biomass production scenariosCostanza, JK, RC Abt, AJ McKerrow, JA Collazo2015AIMS Environmental Scienceenergy; forests
Stable isotopes reveal links between human food inputs and urban ant dietsPenick, CA, AM Savage, RR Dunn2015Proceedings of the Royal Society BantsSee Project Page
How global biodiversity hotspots may go unrecognized: lessons from the North American Coastal PlainNoss, RF, WJ Platt, BA Sorrie, AS Weakley, DB Means, J Costanza. RK Peet2015Diversity and Distributionsbiodiversity
Beyond just sea-level rise: considering macroclimatic drivers within coastal wetland vulnerability assessments to climate changeOsland, MJ, N Enwright, RH Day, CA Gabler, CL Stagg, JB Grace2015Global Change BiologywetlandsSee Project Page
Temperature alone does not explain phenological variation of diverse temperate plants under experimental warmingMarchin, RM, CF Salk, WA Hoffmann, RR Dunn2015Global Change BiologyphenologySee Project Page
Anthropogenic ecosystem fragmentation drives shared and unique patterns of sexual signal divergence among three species of Bahamian mosquitofishGiery, ST, CA Layman, RB Langerhans2015Evolutionary Applicationsurbanization; evolutionGlobal Change Fellows Program
Climate, land cover, and urbanization effects on hydrology in the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin: Potential impacts on watershed planningLaFontaine, JH, LE Hay, RJ Viger, RS Regan, SL Markstrom2015Journal of the American Water Resources Associatianurbanization; hydrologySee Project Page
Effects of climate and land cover on hydrology in the southeastern US: Potential impacts on watershed planningLaFontaine, J, LE Hay, RJ Viger, RS Regan, SL Markstrom
2015Journal of the American Water Resources AssociationhydrologySee Project Page
A Comparison of Hydrologic Models for Ecological Flows and Water AvailabilityCaldwell, PV, JG Kennen, G Sun, JE Kiang, JB Butcher, MC Eddy, LE Hay, JH LaFontaine, EF Hain, SAC Nelson, SG McNulty2015EcohydrologyhydrologySee Project Page
Decomposition of sources of errors in seasonal streamflow forecasting over the U.S. SunbeltMazrooei, A, T Sinha, A Sankarasubramanian, S Kumar, CC Peters-Lidard2015Journal of Geophysical ResearchstreamflowGlobal Change Fellows Program
Habitat Restoration as a Recovery Tool for a Disturbance-Dependent Butterfly, The Endangered St. Francis SatyrCayton, H, NM Haddad, B Ball, E Henry, E Aschehoug2015Butterfly Conservation in North Americarestoration; butterfliesGlobal Change Fellows Program
A century of ocean warming on Florida Keys coral reefs: Historic in situ observationsKuffner, IB, BH Lidz, JH Hudson, JS Anderson2015Estuaries and Coastscoral reefs
Does hydrological fragmentation affect coastal bird communities? A study from Abaco Island, The BahamasChacin, DH, ST Giery, LA Yeager, CA Layman, RB Langerhans2015Wetland Ecology and Managementurbanization; birdsGlobal Change Fellows Program
Point-count methods to monitor butterfly populations when traditional methods fail: a case study with Miami blue butterflyHenry, E, N Haddad, J Wilson, P Hughes, B Gardner2015Journal of Insect ConservationbutterfliesGlobal Change Fellows Program
Regional and large-scale influences on seasonal to interdecadal variability in Caribbean surface air temperature in CMIP5 simulationsRyu, JH, K Hayhoe2015Climate Dynamicsmodeling; temperatureSee Project Page
CMIP5 projected changes in spring and summer drought and wet conditions over North AmericaSwain, S, K Hayhoe
2015Climate Dynamicsprojections; droughtSee Project Page
Urbanization Increases Pathogen Pressure on Feral and Managed Honey BeesYoungsteadt, E, R Holden Appler, MM Lopez-Uribe, DR Tarpy, SD Frank 2015PLoS ONEurbanization; beesSee Project Page
Modeling climate change, urbanization, and fire effects on Pinus palustris ecosystems of the southeastern U.S.Costanza, JK, AJ Terando, AJ McKerrow, JA Collazo2015Journal of Environmental Managementmodeling; fire; urbanizationSee Project Page
Habitat fragmentation and its lasting impact on Earth ecosystemsHaddad, NM, LA Brudvig, J Clobert, et al.2015Science Advancesfragmentation
The Ecology of Religious BeliefsBotero, CA, B Gardner, KR Kirby, J Bulbulia, MC Gavin, RD Gray
2014Proceedings of the National Academy of SciencesbeliefsGlobal Change Fellows Program
Microbial communities respond to experimental warming, but site mattersCregger, M, N Sanders, R Dunn, A Classen2014PeerJbiodiversity; microorganisms
Do cities simulate climate change? A comparison of
herbivore response to urban and global warming
Youngsteadt, E, AG Dale, AJ Terando, RR Dunn, SD Frank2014Global Change Biologyurbanization; scale insectSee Project Page; Global Change Fellows
Shrew response to variable woody debris retention: Implications for sustainable forest bioenergyFritts, SR, CE Moorman, SM Grodsky, DW Hazel, JA Homyack, CB Farrell, SB Castleberry2014Forest Ecology and Managementtrees; shrew; woody debris; bioenergyGlobal Change Fellows Program
Biomass Harvesting Guidelines affect downed woody debris retentionFritts, SR, CE Moorman, DW Hazel, BD Jackson2014Biomass and Bioenergytrees; biomass; woody debrisGlobal Change Fellows Program
Evolutionary tipping points in the capacity to adapt to environmental changeBotero, CA, FJ Weissing, J Wright, DR Rubenstein2014PNASevolution; adaptationGlobal Change Fellows Program
Size Dependency of Post-Disturbance Recovery of Multi-Stemmed Resprouting TreesSchafer, JL, MG Just2014PLoS ONEtrees, pines, wildfire, disturbanceGlobal Change Fellows Program
The Effects of Urban Warming on Herbivore Abundance and Street Tree ConditionDale, AG, SD Frank2014PLoS ONEurbanization; trees; insectsSee Project Page; Global Change Fellows Program
The Southern Megalopolis: Using the past to predict the future of urban sprawl in the Southeast U.S.Terando, A, J Costanza, C Belyea, RR Dunn, A McKerrow, JA Collazo2014PLoS ONEurbanizationSee Project Page
Aboveground Allometric Models for Freeze-Affected Black Mangroves (Avicennia germinans): Equations for a Climate Sensitive Mangrove-Marsh EcotoneOsland, M, R Day, J Larriviere, A From2014PLoS ONEmangroves; saltmarshesSee Project Page
Using historical and experimental data to reveal warming effects on ant assemblagesResasco, J, S Pelini, K Stuble, N Sanders, R Dunn, S Diamond, A Ellison, N Gotelli, D Levey2014PLoS ONEexperimental warming; ants
Toward enhanced understanding and projections of climate extremes using physics-guided data mining techniquesGanguly, A, E Kodra, A Banerjee, S Boriah, S Chatterjee, A Choudhary, D Das, J Faghmous, P Ganguli, S Ghosh, K Hayhoe, C Hays, W Hendrix, Q Fu, J Kawale, D Kumar, V Kumar, S Liess, R Mawalagedara, V Mithal, R Oglesby, K Salvi, P Snyder, K Steinhaeuser, D Wang, D Wuebbles2014Nonlinear Processes in Geophysicsdata miningSee Project Page
Defining and Evaluating the Umbrella Species Concept for Conserving and Restoring Landscape ConnectivityBreckheimer, I, NM Haddad, WF Morris, AM Trainor, WR Fields, RT Jobe, BR Hudgens, A Moody, JR Walters2014Conservation Biologyconnectivity; threatened species
Evaluation of a regional monitoring program's statistical power to detect temporal trends in forest health indicatorsPerles, SJ, T Wagner, BJ Irwin, DR Manning, KK Callahan, MR Marshall2014Environmental Managementforest health; monitoring
Small Reservoir Distribution, Rate of Construction, and Uses in the Upper and Middle Chattahoochee Basins of the Georgia Piedmont, USA, 1950-2010Ignatius, AR, JW Jones2014ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Informationland useSee Project Page
Integrating Land Cover Modeling and Adaptive Management to Conserve Endangered Species and Reduce Catastrophic Fire RiskBreininger, D, B Duncan, M Eaton, F Johnson, J Nichols 2014Landendangered species, fire
Local adaptation of a marine invertebrate with a high dispersal potential: evidence from a reciprocal
transplant experiment of the eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica
Burford, MO, J Scarpa, BJ Cook, MP Hare2014Marine Environmentoyster
Global biogeographic regions in a human-dominated world: the case of human diseasesJust, MG, JF Norton, AL Traud, T Antonelli, AS Poteate, GA Backus, A Snyder-Beattie, RW Sanders, RR Dunn2014Ecospherepathogens; healthGlobal Change Fellows Program
Changes in ant community composition caused by 20 years of experimental warming vs. 13 years of natural climate shiftMenke, S, J Harte, R Dunn2014Ecosphereexperimental warming; antsSee Project Page
Interactions in a warmer world: effects of experimental warming, conspecific density, and herbivory on seedling dynamicsBurt, M, R Dunn, L Nichols, N Sanders2014Ecosphereexperimental warmingSee Project Page
Landscape corridors can increase invasion by an exotic species and reduce diversity of native speciesResasco, J, NM Haddad, JL Orrock, D Shoemaker, LA Brudvig, EI Damschen, JJ Tewksbury, DJ Levey2014Ecological Society of Americaurbanization; corridors; invasive species
Nephrolithiasis in free-ranging North American river otter (LontraåÊcanadensis) in North Carolina, USANiemuth, JN, CW Sanders, CB Mooney, C Olfenbuttel, CS DePerno, MK Stoskopf2014Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicineriver otterGlobal Change Fellows Program
Urban Growth Modeling for the SAMBI Designing Sustainable Landscapes ProjectBelyea, CM, AJ Terando 2014NCSUurbanization; modelingSee Project Page
Maximizing the social and ecological value of Cape Romain National Wildlife Refuge, South Carolina as the effects of global change processes increaseNilius, R, S Dawsey, M Eaton, J Martin, S Romanach, S Baird, M Bryant, D Case, F Johnson, J McMahon, N Pau, E Pienaar, M Ratnaswamy, S Seibert, P Wingrove, N Wood2014National Conservation Training Center Workshop Reportglobal changeSee Project Page
Hepatic metabolomic investigation of the North American black bear (Ursus americanus) using 1H-NMR spectroscopyNiemuth, J, M Stoskopf2014Wildlife Biology in Practiceblack bearsGlobal Change Fellows Program
Early pest development and loss of biological control are associated with urban warmingMeineke, EK, RR Dunn, SD Frank2014Biology Lettersurbanization; pests; parasitesSee Project Page
Stream classification of the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River System for aquatic habitat response to climate changeElliott, CM, RB Jacobson, MC Freeman2014USGSstreamsSee Project Page
Downscaled Climate Projections for the Southeast United States: Evaluation and Use for Ecological ApplicationsWootten, A, K Smith, R Boyles, A Terando, L Stefanova, V Misra, T Smith, D Blodgett, F Semazzi2014U.S. Geological Survey Open-File ReportdownscalingSee Project Page
Testing metapopulation concepts: effects of patch characteristics and neighborhood occupancy on the dynamics of an endangered lagomorphEaton, MJ, PT Hughes, JE Hines, JD Nichols2014Oikosmodeling; endangered species
Environmental harshness is positively correlated with intraspecific divergence in mammals and birdsBotero, CA, R Dor, CM McCain, RJ Safran2014Molecular EcologyBiodiversity; birdsGlobal Change Fellows Program
Malignant hypertension and retinopathy in a western lowland gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla)Niemuth, JN, RS De Voe, SH Jennings, MR Loomis, BV Troan2014Journal of Medical Primatologymodeling; endangered species; gorillaGlobal Change Fellows Program
Habitat and species identity, not diversity, predict the extent of refuse consumption by urban arthropodsYoungsteadt, E, RC Henderson, AM Savage, AF Ernst, RR Dunn, SD Frank2014Global Change BiologyurbanizationSee Project Page
Ecosystem fragmentation drives increased diet variation in an endemic live-bearing fish of The BahamasAraujo, MS, RB Langerhans, ST Giery, CA Layman2014Ecology and Evolutionconnectivity; fishGlobal Change Fellows Program
Predicting future coexistence in a North American ant communityBewick, S, K Stuble, JP Lessard, R Dunn, F Adler, N Sanders2014Ecology and Evolutionmodeling; ants
High diversity in an urban habitat: are some animal assemblages resilient to long-term anthropogenic change?Guenard, B, A Cardinal-De Casas, RR Dunn 2014Urban Ecosystemsurbanization; invasive species; disturbanceSee Project Page
Bad neighbors: urban habitats increase cankerworm damage to non-host understory plantsFrank, SD2014Urban Ecosystemsherbivory; urbanizationSee Project Page
Overcoming skepticism with education: interacting influences of worldview and climate change knowledge on perceived climate change risk among adolescentsStevenson, KT, MN Peterson, HD Bondell, SE Moore, SJ Carrier 2014Climate Changecommunication; worldview; adolescents
Differing nutritional constraints of consumers across ecosystemsLemoine, NP, ST Giery, DE Burkepile2014Oecologiainsects; nutritionGlobal Change Fellows Program
CMIP5 Climate Model Analyses: Climate Extremes in the United StatesWuebbles, D, G Meehl, K Hayhoe, TR Karl, K Kunkel, B Santer, M Wehner, B Colle, EM Fischer, R Fu, A Goodman, E Janssen, V Kharin, H Lee, W Li, LN Long, SC Olsen, Z Pan, A Seth, J Sheffield, L Sun2014American Meteorological SocietymodelingSee Project Page
An evaluation of relations between flow regime components, stream characteristics, and species traits and meta-demographic rate of warmwater stream fishes: Implications for aquatic resource managementPeterson, JT, CP Shea2014River Research and Applicationsstreams, fishSee Project Page
Urban warming trumps natural enemy regulation of herbivorous pestsDale, AG, SD Frank2014Ecological Society of Americaurbanization; insectsSee Project Page
Unexpected phenological responses of butterflies to the interaction of urbanization and geographic temperatureDiamond, SE, H Cayton, T Wepprich, CN Jenkins, RR Dunn, NM Haddad, L Ries 2014Ecologymodeling; endangered speciesGlobal Change Fellows Program
Freshwater availability and coastal wetland foundation species: ecological transitions along a rainfall gradientOsland, M, N Enwright, C La Fosse Stagg2014Ecologywater; modelingSee Project Page
Snowshoe hares display limited phenotypic plasticity to mismatch in seasonal camouflageZimova, M, LS Mills, PM Lukacs, MS Mitchell 2014Proceedings of the Royal Societyphenotypic mismatchGlobal Change Fellows Program
Evolved for extinction: the cost and conservation implications of specialization in hammerhead sharksGallagher, AJ, N Hammerschlag, DS Shiffman, ST Giery2014BioSciencefish; vulnerabilityGlobal Change Fellows Program
Habitat use of breeding green turtles Chelonia mydas tagged in Dry Tortugas National Park: Making use of local and regional MPAsHart, KM, DG Zawada, I Fujisaki, BH Lidz2013Biological Conservationendangered species; sea turtlesSee Project Page
Commonly Rare and Rarely Common: Comparing Population Abundance of Invasive and Native Aquatic SpeciesHansen, GJA, MJ Vander Zanden, MJ Blum, MK Clayton, EF Hain, et al. 2013PLoS ONEbiodiversityGlobal Change Fellows Program
Movements and Habitat-Use of Loggerhead Sea Turtles in the Northern Gulf of Mexico during the Reproductive PeriodHart, KM, MM Lamont, AR Sartain, I Fujisaki, BS Stephens2013PLoS ONEendangered species; sea turtlesSee Project Page
Urban Warming Drives Insect Pest Abundance on Street TreesMeineke, EK, RR Dunn, JO Sexton, SD Frank2013PLoS ONEurbanization; insectsSee Project Page
Increased Toxicity of Karenia brevis during Phosphate Limited Growth: Ecological and Evolutionary ImplicationsHardison, DR, WG Sunda, D Shea, RW Litaker 2013PLoS ONEhealth; algae
Ecological Impacts of Climate Change CollectionBond-Lamberty, B, EK Meineke, RR Dunn, JO Sexton, SD Frank 2013PLoS ONEurbanization??
Clinal variation in colony breeding structure and level of inbreeding in the subterranean termites Reticulitermes flavipes and R. grasseiVargo, EL, L Leniaud, LE Swoboda, SE Diamond, MD Weiser, DM Miller, AG Bagnres2013Molecular ecologyinsects; termitesSee Project Page
Ventricular Habronemiasis in Aviary PasserinesNiemuth, JN, JV Allgood, JR Flowers, RS De Voe, BV Troan2013Case Reports in Veterinary MedicinebirdsGlobal Change Fellows Program
Species loss on spatial patterns and composition of zoonotic parasitesHarris, NC, RR Dunn 2013Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological SciencesparasitesSee Project Page
Application of the Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System (PRMS) in the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin in the Southeastern USALaFontaine, JH, LE Hay, RJ. Viger, SL Markstrom, RS Regan, CM Elliott, JW Jones 2013USGSprecipitationSee Project Page
Methods for monitoring corals and crustose coralline algae to quantify in-situ calcification ratesMorrison, JM, IB Kuffner, TD Hickey2013USGS Open-File Reportbiodiversity; coralSee Project Page
Complexity of nearshore strontium-to-calcium ratio variability in a core sample of the massive coralÌÄåâÌâåÊSiderastrea sidereaÌÄåâÌâåÊobtained in Coral Bay, St. John, U.S. Virgin IslandsReich, CD, IB Kuffner, TD Hickey, JM Morrison, JA Flannery 2013USGS Open-File ReportcoralSee Project Page
Winter climate change and coastal wetland foundation species: salt marshes vs. mangrove forests in the southeastern United StatesOsland, MJ, N Enwright, RH Day, TW Doyle 2013Global Change Biologyforests; modelingSee Project Page
Testing the efficacy and reliability of common zooarchaeological sampling strategies: a case study from the CaribbeanPoteate, AS, Fitzpatrick, SM2013Journal of Archaeological Sciencesampling strategies; CaribbeanGlobal Change Fellows Program
The effect of water table fluctuation on soil respiration in a lower coastal plain forested wetland in the southeastern U.S.Miao, G, A Noormets, JC Domec, CC Trettin, SG McNulty, G Sun, JS King 2013J. Geophys. Res. Biogeosci.water; forestsGlobal Change Fellows Program
The Practitioner's dilemma - How to Assess the Credibility of Downscaled Climate Projections?Barsugli, JJ, G Guentchev, RM Horton, A Wood, LO Mearns, XZ Liang, JA Winkler, K Dixon, K Hayhoe, RB Rood, L Goddard, A Ray, L Buja, C Ammann
2013EosdownscalingSee Project Page
Evaluating the fidelity of downscaled climate data on simulated wheat and maize production in the southeastern USCammarano, D, L Stefanova, BV Ortiz, M Ramirez-Rodrigues, S Asseng, V Misra, G Wilkerson, B Basso, JW Jones, KJ Boote 2013Regional Environmental Changeagriculture; modelingSee Project Page
Understanding the sources of Caribbean precipitation biases in CMIP3 and CMIP5 simulationsRyu, JH, K Hayhoe2013Climate Dynamicsmodeling; precipitationSee Project Page
Calcification rates of the massive coral Siderastrea sidereal and crustose coralline algae along the Florida Keys (USA) outer-reef tractKuffner, I, TD Hickey, JM Morrison2013Coral ReefscoralSee Project Page
Using physiology to predict the responses of ants to climatic warmingDiamond, SE, CA Penick, SL Pelini, AM Ellison, NJ Gotelli, NJ Sanders, RR Dunn 2013Integrative and comparative biologyinsects; antsSee Project Page
Consideration of reference points for the management of renewable resources under an adaptive management paradigmIrwin, BJ, MJ Conroy2013Environmental Conservationdecision supportSee Project Page
Upward ant distribution shift corresponds with minimum, not maximum, temperature toleranceWarren, RJ, L Chick 2013Global change biologyinsects; antsSee Project Page
Simulating the effects of the southern pine beetle on regional dynamics 60 years into the futureCostanza, JK, J Hulcr, FH Koch, T Earnhardt, AJ McKerrow, RR Dunn, JA Collazo2012Ecological Modellinginsects; modelingSee Project Page
Fluctuating Environments, Sexual Selection and the Evolution of Flexible Mate Choice in BirdsBotero, CA, DR Rubenstein2012PLoS ONEbirdsGlobal Change Fellows Program
Common garden experiments reveal uncommon responses across temperatures, locations, and species of antsPelini, SL, SE Diamond, H MacLean, AM Ellison, NJ Gotelli, NJ Sanders, RR Dunn2012Ecology and EvolutioninsectsSee Project Page
A physiological trait-based approach to predicting the responses of species to experimental climatic warmingDiamond, SE, LM Nichols, N McCoy, C Hirsch, SL Pelini, NJ Sanders, AM Ellison, NJ Gotelli, RR Dunn2012Ecologyinsetcs; forests; biodiversitySee Project Page
Use of occupancy models to evaluate expert and knowledge-based species-habitat relationshipsIglesia, MN, JA Collazo, AJ McKerrow2012Avian Conservation and Ecologybirds; modelingSee Project Page
Representation of regional urban development conditions using a watershed-based gradient study designTerziotti, S, G McMahon, AH Bell2012U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2012ÌÄåâÌâåÐ5070urbanization
Linking urbanization to the Biological Condition Gradient (BCG) for stream ecosystems in the Northeastern United States using a Bayesian network approachKashuba, RO, G McMahon, TF Cuffney, S Qian, K Reckhow, J Gerritsen, S Davies2012U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2012-5030urbanization
P2SÌâåÑCoupled Simulation with the Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System (PRMS) and the Stream Temperature Network (SNTemp) ModelsMarkstrom, SL2012USGSmodeling; temperatureSee Project Page
U.S. Department of the Interior Southeast Climate Science Center Science and Operational PlanJones, SA, MS Dalton, comps.2012U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report
Description and testing of the Geo Data Portal: Data integration framework and Web processing services for environmental science collaborationBlodgett, DL, NL Booth, TC Kunicki, JL Walker, RJ Viger2012U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Reportdecision supportSee Project Page
Strategies for managing the effects of urban development on streamsCappiella, K, WP Stack, L Fraley-McNeal, C Lane, G McMahon2012U.S. Geological Survey Circularurbanization
Effects of urban development on stream ecosystems in nine metropolitan study areas across the United StatesColes, JF, G McMahon, AH Bell, LR Brown, FA Fitzpatrick, BC Scudder Eikenberry, MD Woodside, TF Cuffney, WL Bryant, K Cappiella, L Fraley-McNeal, WP Stack2012U.S. Geological Survey Circularurbanization
Who likes it hot? A global analysis of the climatic, ecological, and evolutionary determinants of warming tolerance in antsDiamond, SE, DM Sorger, J Hulcr, SL Pelini, I Del Toro, C Hirsch, E Oberg, RR Dunn2012Global Change BiologyinsectsSee Project Page
Probabilistic projections of agro-climate indices in North AmericaTerando, A, K Keller, WE Easterling2012Journal of Geophysical Research Ð Atmospheresagriculture; modelingSee Project Page
Linking river management to species conservation using dynamic landscape-scale modelsFreeman, MC, GR Buell, LE Hay, WB Hughes, RB Jacobson, JW Jones, SA Jones, JH LaFontaine, KR Odom, JT Peterson, JW Riley, JS Schindler, C Shea, JD Weaver2012River Research and Applicationsfish; modeling
An asynchronous regional regression model for statistical downscaling of daily climate variablesStoner, AMK, K Hayhoe, X Yang, DJ Wuebbles2012International Journal of ClimatologymodelingSee Project Page
Inferring likelihoods and climate system characteristics from climate models and multiple tracersBhat, KS, M Haran, R Olson, K Keller2012Environmetricsdecision support; modelingSee Project Page
Every Species is an Insect (or Nearly So): On insects, climate change, extinction and the biological unknownDunn, RR, MC Fitzpatrick 2012Invited chapter in Hannah L (ed) Extinction Risk from Climate Change. Island PressinsectsSee Project Page
Modeling habitat dynamics accounting for possible misclassificationVeran, S, KJ Kleiner, R Choquet, JA Collazo, JD Nichols2012Landscape EcologymodelingSee Project Page
Mycangia of ambrosia beetles host communities of bacteriaHulcr, J, NR Rountree, SE Diamond, LL Stelinski, N Fierer, RR Dunn2012Microbial EcologyinsectsSee Project Page
Observed and Modeled 20th century spatial and temporal patterns of agro-climate indices in North AmericaTerando, A, WE Easterling, K Keller, DR Easterling2012Journal of Climateagriculture; modeling
Misidentification of freshwater mussel species (Bivalvia: Unionidae): contributing factors, management implications, and potential solutionsShea, CP, JT Peterson, JM Wisniewski, NA Johnson2011Journal of the North American Benthological Societydecision support
Science Goals of the U.S. Department of the Interior Southeast Climate Science CenterDalton, MS2011U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet
U.S. Department of the Interior Climate Science CentersJones, SA2011U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet
A Bayesian network to predict coastal vulnerability to sea level riseGutierrez, BT, NG Plant, ER Thieler2011Journal of Geophysical ResearchmodelingSee Project Page
Climate Projections Using Bayesian Model Averaging and Space-Time DependenceBhat, KS, MI Haran, A Terando, K Keller2011Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental StatisticsmodelingSee Project Page
Computer model calibration with multivariate spatial outputBhat, KS, M Haran, M Goes2010Frontiers of Statistical Decision Making and Bayesian Analysismodeling; decision support
Effects of including surface depressions in the application of the Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System in the Upper Flint River Basin, GeorgiaViger, RJ, LE Hay, JW Jones, GR Buell2010U.S. Geological Survey Scientific-Investigations Reportmodeling
Southeast Regional Assessment Project for the National Climate Change and Wildlife Science CenterDalton, MS, SA Jones, comps.2010U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report
What is the skill of ocean tracers in reducing uncertainties about ocean diapycnal mixing and projections of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation?Goes, M, NM Urban, R Tonkonojenkov, M Haran, A Schmittner, K Keller2010Journal of Geophysical Resourcesprojections; uncertaintySee Project Page
Hydrologic effects of urbanization and climate change on the Flint River basin, GeorgiaViger, RJ, LE Hay, SL Markstrom, JW Jones, GR Buell2010Earth Interactionsurbanization; modelingSE CASC Staff